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They are known as the evil versions of mermaids. They take different forms to lure humans to perform drastic acts of love and devotion to get to them or to protect them. These acts are usually destructive and violent and usually result in death. Like mermaids they can live on earth as well as living in the ocean but they mainly stick to earth in order to claim their victims. They look like mermaids when they are in the ocean (human from waist up but fish from waist down) but in land they take any human-like form they want.

-shapeshifting (into something the human most desires)
-venom that makes humans fall in love with them
-ability to breathe underwater
-ability to swim underwater that is different from most humans

-severe trauma
-decapitation and destruction of the body
-love (if a human truly loves them then they will become human)
-lack of water over a period of time

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