Closure Pt. II

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The summer when Fried Noodles graduated was one of the worst summers of my life. Besides him, all of my other friends were also leaving for college and I was staying in high school. I had no friends in my grade. I still don't. Grade 12 was going to be a hell.

I was sad most of the time. It got to a point where I would drink wine by myself, locked inside the bathroom, crying on the shower floor. It was on one of these nights when I realized that if I was going to go through senior year without my friends, I had to at least get over him. Otherwise, I'd be too much for me to handle.

So I tried to get over him. I would go out and kiss random guys in hopes to get him out of my head, but every single time a man touched me I just wished with my entire soul that it were him. I tried hard to let him go. Most of the times, I would just go out to come back home and cry.

Eventually, I started accepting reality. We would not see each other again, so why suffer? I had to accept that I would never get the closure that I wanted and move on.Days passed and, although he did cross my mind a couple of times and I would have dreams of him, the thought of him became less and less. I did no longer remember his face or the sound of his voice. I deleted all pictures of him and deleted him from social media.

By the time school started, I truly thought I was over him.

But as I mentioned, life is full of unexpected turns.

In October, I went to Toronto to visit some friends. I knew he lived there, but I did not know where. And I truly, deeply, whole heartedly thought that I was over him, so I told myself I did not want to see him. The break was fun. I hung out with the people I love the most and did what we loved the most. He was off my mind.

"Close your eyes"
"Just close your eyes for 10 seconds"
"No, I don't trust you."

My friends and I were eating at the mall when one of them suddenly asked me to cover my eyes. I refused but he insisted, and as I turned my head for him to leave me alone, I saw Fried Noodles, making his way into the entrance.

Nothing happened. He didn't see me, he didn't acknowledge me. He just walked by.

"Are you okay?"

That day, I knew I wasn't over him. My heart was beating fast, I turned bright red. It was not even my mind forcing myself to like him. I physically reacted to his presence. I could not ignore that.

I spent months after wishing to see him again, because I knew I still cared and I knew I had to resolve the many things that were left unresolved. I needed answers. I needed that closure.

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