29 | shining love

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"Sometimes, the biggest growth happens in your weakest moments."

— Forbidden Love


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When Chat Noir's piercing, emerald irises had caught sight of the men wandering around on his side of the wall, he'd been very unpleased and disgusted. But when the leader of those men had claimed to be looking for Marinette– his Marinette– he'd become even more angry than he had ever felt before in his life. That man, his hair bleached red, and his hat tipped high, resembled a man of wealth and great fortune. He seemed to be the only one with a feather stuck in his hat.

Yet, by listening to his speech, Chat Noir had identified this man as a man who received whatever he asked for, and his riches dropped into the palm of his hand just by his command. The men all huddled around in a circle followed him and obeyed his every word. This man seemed to be their leader, and he also seemed to be after Marinette.

Chat Noir would not allow that.

Chat had clearly remembered when he had been doing his nightly patrols and had found Marinette seated on top of the wall, her feet dangled over, and a sad expression washed upon her face. She had requested for a place to stay, and he had not hesitated to provide it for her. But what had she been trying to stay away from? Or maybe who had she been trying to hide from?

Was it this sorry excuse of a man?

Chat Noir scowled at his figure, his cat ears easily picking up the sound of their many hushed whispers. The well-dressed man who he had identified as the others' leader, explained his plan to the rest of the men. It involved raiding the woods until they found Marinette, because this red head was for certain she was here.

And she was. But Chat Noir would not allow her to be found, oh no.

Suddenly, a thought that feared him the most quickly arose, and his eyes travelled to the heavens to read the stars for the time. Of course, how could he have forgotten? Tonight, he was meant to attend a dinner that his father was hosting with his "bride to be", Chloé Bourgeois.

Oh, how disappointed his father would be when Chat Noir arrived at that dinner late, with another purpose in mind.

To save the woman he was truly beginning to fall in love with.

He couldn't deny it any longer, and there was no point in trying to hide the truth. He could no longer rebuke the intimate feelings he was beginning to feel for a certain woman. Whenever he seemed to lay his eyes on Marinette, he couldn't help but admire her every feature. She was by far different from any other woman he had ever met in his lifetime, and if he was to be wed, he would not mind her being his bride.

But Marinette had spoken against marriage, and her beliefs of it were far opposite from his. But would she rather be forever married to a red-headed scum who received everything he wanted on a silver platter, or marry someone who was willing to ask her, and give her a choice to deny him.

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