The Betrayal

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Point of view: no one

"Red trainer Ash is out of usable pokemon , the Kalos league victor is Allen!" The announcer boomed. 'I let them down, my pokemon tried their best , I'm pathetic' those thoughts ran through Ash's mind as he silently recalled his battered greninja after thanking him, pulled his cap down and ran out of the stadium refusing to let his tears fall free.

A certain roller skating trainer watched on with sadness and longing from the stands, wanting to go comfort the hurt trainer who she came to support, but the crowd was too large and she could not make it to the exit in time.

Ash walked into the pokemon center with Clemont, Serena and Bonnie following close behind, with looks of disappointment rather than sympathy, but Ash was too busy wanting to heal his pokemon to care.

Nurse joy came back to the front desk and Ash stuttered "A-are they all alright?" "Don't worry they're all fine, they just need a few days of rest, I can tell they really pushed themselves to the limit for you, seeing strong bonds like that makes me happy" she smiled, he was relieved but took notice to pikachu's distant behaviour.

"Ash can we maybe........return to pallet town with you?" Clemont asked the silent trainer "Really? Sure but why?" "We just want to...umm comfort you? Yeah that's right and I really want to meet your mom in person" Serena insisted. Seeing no reason to deny them they left for the airport together.

"Attention all passengers, please make sure you pick up all your belongings when exiting the plane" Ash sighed as he walked off the plane, feeling awkward since no one has said anything to him for hours.

"Hey...guys? we should ride home on my pokemon or else we'd be late" Ash said softly as Clemont Serena and Bonnie got on staraptor and Ash on noivern.

'I wonder what's wrong with everyone?' Ast thought getting restless with the silence as he landed in front of his house and returned his pokemon.

"Mom! I'm home!" Ash yelled walking through the door only to see the faces of his mother, professor Oak, Brock, Misty, Gary, Cilan, Trip, Dawn, May, Drew, Iris, Barry, Max basically all of his travel companions and rivals standing in his living room only he noticed Paul wasn't among them. He watched as Serena, Bonnie and Clemont left to stand with them.

"G-guys what are you all doing, W-what's going on" Ash tried to comprehend "Sigh...Ash we want you to stop being a trainer" Brock insisted. "What!? why?" "Because you're weak! You've failed to win even one league" he heard Cilan say. "I'm ashamed to have given you a starter pokemon" professor oak grunted, "Mom?" "Don't Mom me! You've wasted so much of my money going on these journeys, and you always fail and put yourself and your friends in some kind of danger!" He couldn't believe it.

"You all feel this way?" Ash asked, several shouts of "Yes!" was heard , "Even your pokemon no longer accept you" one of them said. He shakily watched as they all took out pokeballs and released "his" pokemon one by one "Some of them ran away but after we're done with you, they'll be unnecessary" Gary smirked. "Pikachu let's go" but he was shocked to see him run to Max and also watch him with an angry glare "Pikapi pika!", he couldn't believe it.

He released all of his kalos pokemon and said "Do you all feel this way as well?" He grimaced as staraptor, noivern, and hawlucha left but smiled a grateful smile towards greninja who took his side, he recalled what nurse Joy told him and gave a small chuckle at the irony of it all. The frog pokemon knew better than anyone just how much potential his master had and was not about to betray him just because of a few set-backs.

"Friends you say.... no real friends would ever do something like this" Ash curled his hands into a fist and glared at them all, struggling to keep from choking on his words. "Put myself and my 'friends' in danger?, do you know just how many times I've saved the world and your asses when they were in peril..... is this how I am repaid for it?" Ash could barely breathe with the conflicts and anger in his mind. "It shouldn't matter if I've won a league or not, none of you have accomplished your dreams either.... Some of you here wouldn't have become half as strong as you are now if it weren't for me..." Ash was crumbling. "Come on Ash stop making excuses and hand over your pokeballs, I'm removing your trainer's license" Oak said. "Screw all of you traitors!" he shouted and sprinted out of the house with greninja next to him just as they were about to call out pokemon attacks to stop him. He didn't look back, just kept running letting tears fall to the dirt below him not stopping until he heard a familiar roar in viridian forest.

Looking ahead he saw 3 familiar figures and cried tears of happiness when his Charizard, Sceptile, and his seemingly evolved Gible, Garchomp, approached him holding their pokeballs and giving him hugs of comfort. Feeling 3 more pokemon hug him he saw greninja but wasn't expecting a gardevoir and lucario. 'Ash' he heard in his head 'It's me the ralts you saved in hoenn and the lucario told me you helped him in alto mare' "'re the ralts and riolu from back then! but how ?" They explained that the traitors brought them here against their will to join them and then they surprised him by pressing two empty pokeballs on his belt.

He felt relieved , happy that he had friends to rely on and returned them all, except his charizard as he straddled him, flying away from pallet town looking back thinking 'I'll show you all who's weak'.

The roller skating trainer now identified as Korrina didn't make it to Ash in time and with teary eyes from not being able to find or contact him she cried "Where are you Ash!?" out into the cold night air of Kalos. She sunk to her knees wondering if he left Kalos already without saying goodbye until she got a call from Serena.

"Ash is dead".

Author:" that's the first chapter. "

Ash:" you killed me off!?"

Korrina:"why would you to something like that!?" *cries

Author:"n-no! I-it's not,,,,,,,look just read the second chapter, *sigh and stop breaking the fourth wall! "

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