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Main Island Stadium

"Let's do it" Ash and Korrina shared a chaste kiss before walking out to the stadium.

"Welcome to the semifinals of the evolution tournament, today's match is a tag battle, 2 pokemon per person, no substitutions, this battle is between Ash-Korrina vs Drake-Anabelle, battle begin"

"Lucario I choose you " both ash & korrina shouted releasing their 2 steel-fighting type pokemon.

Drake: "go dragonite"
Anabelle: "go mienshao"

Ash: "aura sphere on mienshao"
Korrina: "metal claw on dragonite"

The attacks connected resulting in a cloud of dust.

"Mienshao is unable to battle, trainer Anabelle send out your last pokemon!"

Anabelle: "go meditite, hold them down with psychic!"
Drake:"now dragonite thunderbolt"

The attacks connected, however dealt little damage to the lucarios.

Ash: " thunderpunch on dragonite"
Korrina: "blaze kick on dragonite "

The two attacks connected fainting the dragonite.

Referee:"dragonite is unable to battle , orange islands' drake please send out your last pokemon!"

Drake: "go lopunny!"
Anabelle: "meditite use calm mind!"

Korrina: "lucario mega evolve!"
Ash: "lucario extend you aura!!"

Once again, Ash surprised everyone, save korrina and paul, mega evolving a pokemon without a stone.

Ash&korrina-"aura sphere barrage!"

The two lucarios formed an aura bond and fired the barrage attack of aura spheres at the helpless pokemon wanting to win the match for their masters.

"The winners of the match are Ash & Korrina, they will move on to the finals!" The announcer exclaimed as the crowd erupted in cheers and ash and korrina shook Anabelle and drake's hands.

Main Stadium
Diantha-Cynthia vs Alder-Lance

(Skip Battle)
"The winners diantha and Cynthia will move on to the finals"

Then something unexpected happened, Cynthia kissed Diantha.
The crowd went silent , and not even the two champions knew why they did it but in embarrassment ran out of the stadium.

Ash's hotel room/house

"Man that was tiring" Ash yawned, walking in with Korrina "well maybe if you used mega stones instead of showing off it would be less tiring" korrina countered "yeah yeah uh- Paul?"

There Paul was curled up in fetal position on the floor in front of the TV .

Ash read the screen "Cynthia shirona and diantha coronet shared a passionate kiss after their semifinal battle" Korrina squealed happy for them while Ash laughed at Paul's misfortune, knowing he harbored feelings for the blonde sinnoh champion.

"Knock knock" Ash opened the door to see Cynthia and Diantha "Ash can you and Korrina help us?" The lack of his name in that sentence was enough for Paul to get up and lock himself in his room.

"Sure, come in" Korrina answered "Thanks"


"You see Diantha and I realised we liked each other during our battle and kissed on the spur of the moment when we won, what are we supposed to do?" Cynthia asked.

Ash said "Do you still like each other?" "yes" they both replied while interlocking hands."Then there's no problem don't worry about if it's immoral or anything stupid like that, if you want to be with each other then go for it" Ash advised.

"Yeah if Ashy was a girl I'd still love him" Korrina joked making the worried champions giggle.

"Thank you Ash, Korrina we're grateful for the advice" the champions thanked them.

"So we're facing off against each other in the finals huh?" Cynthia awkwardly said, "Yeah but we'll still be friends no matter who wins" Korrina assured her, making her smile.

"We'll be taking our leave now, good luck on tomorrow's battle you two", "same to the two of you as well" and with that the champions left.

3 seconds later

"Life is so unfair!!" Paul shouted as he repeatedly kicked the door after eavesdropping on their conversation.

Ash and Korrina could only feel sorry for the heartbroken trainer,
Although it took them all they had to keep themselves from laughing.
Pallet Town : Kanto

"Gahh what a disobedient son, no doubt he's going to lose in the finals tomorrow and shame me again!" Delia shouted.

"Let's go prof. Oak" she demanded , "w-where?" the old man stuttered feeling his age.
"To averata island of course".

Ash: " whyyy is she coming for"* groan

Author: "because I wanted her to!"

Love and Aura - a Shalourshipping Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now