The End

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Timeskip- 12 years
Ash and Korrina's house.
Silver - 10 years old

The sound of Ash's pokemon training themselves woke young Silver up as he rolled out of bed remembering he was supposed to get his starter today.

He had Ash's hazel brown eyes, fair skin, and his hair colour blonde like Korrina's.

"Morning mom, morning dad" he yawned out as his mom handed him breakfast. "Now son you're gonna be late for professor Juniper to give you your pokemon" Korrina told him, "Ah don't worry Korrina it'll work out for him" Ash winked making his wife blush and giggle.

"Knock, knock " Silver opened the door to find his aunts and their daughter "hi aunty Cynthia, aunty Diantha, Cayla, are you ready to get your pokemon as well Cayla?"
Silver enthusiastically asked her "uh-huh" she shyly replied looking away and blushing, making silver scratch his head in confusion 'the denseness runs in the family' were their thoughts.

"Bye mom, bye mom" Cayla said her goodbyes "bye mom , bye dad" Silver also bid farewell to his parents as he grabbed Cayla's hand running off to the lab excited to start their journey.

"Hmm our kids grew up before we knew it huh?" Korrina asked as we all looked at each other and laughed "Their journey is just beginning, what shall we do now?" Ash's question was answered when his Charizard flew inside, holding a dragonite in his claws with a letter in it's mouth. Feeling a sense of deja-vu Ash laughed as he took the letter and freed the scared dragonite.

Dear Pokémon Masters Ash and Korrina
It's me, Mr. Goodshow, just wanted to let you
two know about the 4th upcoming
Evolution Tournament, I'll be waiting to
see how much you've improved~ Later.

Ash smirked, gathered his pokemon and with a dramatic exit he, Korrina, Cynthia and Diantha embarked on their new adventure.

With Paul

We find the purple haired trainer walking along tapu koko's ruins in Alola with a letter in his hand.

"Hmmm so a new adventure begins" he said to himself as he looked at the sky.
'But why can I still not get a girlfriend!?' He mentally cried.

Author: "Well that's the end, I'm sure gonna miss Ash and Korrina, and I wish Paul has good luck in his longing for love"

Ash&Korrina: "we're still here you know?"

Author: "no you're not! stop breaking the fourth wall!"

Paul: *sob* *sob*

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