Spark of love

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Location: Averata Hotel

As Ash led Korrina through the corridors and steps of the hotel a million questions raced through her mind but the most important one 'was this Ash?' not being able to control her anxiety she fainted.

Ash having barely caught her blushed slightly at her softness and carried her bridal style to the room, attracting the attention of many much to his dismay 'just my luck' he thought although his blush intensified as he held special feelings towards the one in his arms, though he was not sure whether she sided with the traitors or not.

Walking into his room ash thought 'Charles what did you do, this is more of a house than an apartment!!!!'

2 hours later

With a jump Korrina woke up and took note of her surroundings, noticing she was lying on the couch and "Red" was in the kitchen preparing something.

"What happened?" she asked while yawning, "you fainted" Ash bluntly said, that's when all of Korrina's questions came back to her and without warning she walked up to ash in the kitchen and dramatically took off his hoodie. Knowing that he could not keep it a secret from her he did not stop her.

".................A-Ash?" Korrina stumbled back and stuttered, even though he may look different she undoubtedly knew this was Ash.

"Korrina, I know you have a lot of questions, and lectures and-" he didn't get to finish as Korrina ran towards him and tackled him crying into his chest and holding on tightly "taken aback Ash wrapped his arms around her and said "I'm sorry korrina I-I didn't know you missed me so much" "A-Ash you idiot, I thought, I thought you died , I love you!" She confessed while crying and smashed her lips to his.

Taken by surprise Ash returned the kiss and after a whole 2 minutes they separated and Ash told korrina "I love you too" causing her to cry, not from sadness but from joy of being in Ash's arms and him returning her feelings. Ash as well released tears of joy, after not being cared for by anyone but his Pokémon for the past 2 years, being confessed to by the one person he loved brought tears for the first time in a long time to the young hero's eyes.

"Ash don't leave again, please" korrina begged "Don't worry Korrina, I'm here to stay" he said as the two exchanged no more words , just enjoyed each other's embrace.

"So..... Ash why did you suddenly disappear?" A now considerably calmer korrina asked while leaning on Ash's shoulder on the couch with his arm wrapped behind her. "Well let's start from the beginning, after I returned home from the kalos leagu-"(timeskip 1 hour) and that's how everything came to be"

At the end of Ash's story Korrina's expression was mixed with sadness and hate, all she wanted right now was to mega evolve her lucario and let it use aura sphere on all of the traitors for hurting the one she loved. Feeling the malice radiating off korrina with his aura, Ash told her "Korrina, don't worry and don't do anything rash, all that matters to me right now is that you're in my arms and we love each other" hearing this korrina kissed her new boyfriend on the cheek and stood up.

"Now Ashy~ does this mean we're a couple?" she playfully sing-songed with her hands behind her back, Ash blushed and looked away to hide it but replied "Let's make it official err....korri? Will you go on a date with me tomorrow?" she chuckled at his lame attempt for a nickname but nonetheless said "Of course Ashy, but stick with Korrina, until you can think up a better one" she giggled making Ash once again turn away and blush 'she's too cute when she giggles' Ash thought.

"Hey Ashy you said I could stay here right?" "Of course korrina",
"Then I'm gonna take a bath care to join me~?" korrina teased, at this point Ash's face resembled a tomato as he said "b-but isn't it to e-early for something like that?" She pouted "Fine but we're sleeping in the same bed, it's the least you can do for disappearing for two years" she retorted in a serious tone, making Ash nod his head albeit nervous.

Night fell and the two were lying in bed Ash on his side and Korrina practically wrapped around him from behind 'hmm so I'm guessing she's the clingy type of girlfriend' Ash thought.

"Hey Ashy......?" "Yeah?" "I wanted to ask this for a while now but why is the hotel room you're staying in so big, it's like a house!" "Ah that, Mr good show went a little.......... overboard to make sure I enjoy my stay here" she laughed "well I'm glad he did Ashy~ it feels like we're sharing a home, I don't want this feeling to end" "Don't worry I'll always love you no matter where we are Korrina" "love you, good night " they said to each other as they fell asleep peacefully in each other's embrace. 

Korrina:"I love you ashy~"

Ash:"I love you more~"

Author:"you can't just flirt after breaking the fourth wall! say something productive instead"

Love and Aura - a Shalourshipping Fanfiction [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now