First Round

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"This will be a 1 v 1 battle between Paul Shinji and.. ..wait I'm getting an update here, Red Satoshi also known as ASH KETCHUM!!!", Ash decided that since he was already exposed at the beach there was no need for him to keep up the disguise.

It was as if the entire world shouted "There he is!" "I've missed you" "you're my favourite trainer!" "I knew you couldn't be dead!"
"Go on a date with me!" That last one ticking Korrina off making her shout "he's mine bitch!"

Ash felt as if the entire world was on his side as the referee spoke "Battle begin!" , "Greninja I choose you!" "Electivire battle stance!"

Paul: "use bulk-up"

Ash: " whoa that's a large electivire and type disadvantage too, Greninja! Stronger and stronger!!!!!!!!!!!!%"*#$%**"

Greninja took Ash-Greninja form.

Paul: "Electivire thunderbolt"

Ash: "greninja use hydro pump in short bursts so the current doesn't flow through it!"
The attacks met cancelling each other out.

Ash: "Greninja use Water Shuriken! "

The crowd and Paul were awestruck when Greninja took the water-shuriken from his back, made it 20× larger, gave it a golden glow just like in the Kalos league finals and flung it at the helpless Electivire.

Refree: " U-um the winner is A-Ash Ketchum! He will move on to the second round!" The shaken refree announced as the crowd erupted in cheers and applause.

"Wasn't that overkill ash?" Paul chuckled "Sorry man" they both said shaking each other's hand when they heard Korrina shout "That's my man!" Making Ash blush and Paul laugh at his misfortune.

Stadium C- Korrina's battle.

"This battle is a 1v1 battle between shalour gym leader korrina and runner up for Kalos queen for the past 3 years Serena Y'vonne." The announcer boomed as the crowd erupted.

"Serena, how about a wager?" "what is it?" Serena obnoxiously asked "I win, you leave ash alone, you win, I'll give you my mega bracelet" "Oh I soo accept brat, no way am I losing"

In the crowd 'What is she thinking' Ash thought 'It's too risky.'

Korrina: "Salamence I choose you" Korrina mimicked her raven haired boyfriend.

Serena: "Pangoro show time!"

Korrina: "Salamence, dragon claw!"

Serena: "dodge!" But pangoro being too large was hit and took severe damage.

Serena: "dark pulse!"

Korrina: "dragon pulse!!"

The dragon type move overpowered the dark pulse and Pangoro was hit square in the chest.

Referee: "Pangoro is unable to battle winner is salamence therefore korrina moves on to the second round!" The crowd clapped as Ash made his way outside the stadium to meet Korrina.
Author's note: I know this one was short and I'm sorry but I had to get the first round out of the way. There will be 6 rounds and 4 stadiums as well as champions who will be competing later on, I'm gonna skip round 2 & 3 since it'll probably bore y'all cuz we know for a fact Ash and Korrina are two OP trainers.

Ash : Hell yeah!
Korrina: Of course.

Author: no breaking the fourth wall!

Ash & korrina : ......Fine.

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