Fly On

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Flock of birds
Hovering above
Just a flock of birds
That's how you think of love

I laid in the grass and stared at the sky. I noticed that it was beginning to get rather cloudy, darkening the rest of the world due to the sun not being bright enough to shine through the thickness of the fog.

I watched a large flock of black birds hover above me in the sky. I envied the birds. They got to overlook the madness that the world had become. Whenever a walker spotted them, they could just fly away to a different location, never to be seen again. They could mate. They could start a little bird family. They could love each other.


In a way, the flock of birds represented love. They come and go. Sometimes the good ones will stick around and nest in a nearby tree, maybe until they die. It's not always likely.

And I always
Look up to the sky
Pray before the dawn
Cause they fly always
Sometimes they arrive
Sometimes they are gone
They fly on

I always find myself looking at the sky. It's like I'm drawn to it. Doesn't matter where I am, no matter what the circumstances are, I will look up to the sky. If only one time.

This morning I got up before dawn. And I prayed. I prayed that The Governor would get what he deserved. I prayed that everyone here at the prison would stay safe. And, selfishly, I prayed that Carl wouldn't give up on me, and that I wouldn't give up on him, because I loved him. And I won't stand losing him.

The birds are always flying now. I hardly see nests in the trees anymore. Yet another representation of why they are like love. They're always on the move. Sort of like we were before we found Hershel's farm. Before we found the prison.

The birds in the sky are unpredictable. Sometimes they fly down into the gated area of the prison, sometimes they just pass by in the clouds. Sometimes they aren't even here at all. Sometimes they're gone. But I know they're flying elsewhere. They always fly on.

Flock of birds
Hovering above
Into smoke I'm turned
And rise
Following them up

The next day I came to the same spot. I laid in the grass and waited. The flock of birds came again. They flew across the sky, their black wings painting brief pictures of life across the blue canvas that is the worlds atmosphere.

I wondered what it would be like when I died. How would my spirit leave my body? I came to the conclusion that I wanted people to see my spirit. I wanted to be a cloud of smoke and float all the way up to the sky. I wanted to rise and be with the birds that leave me thinking oh so deeply every day. I wanted to follow them to Heaven.

Still I always
Look up to the sky
Pray before the dawn
Cause they fly away
One minute they arrive
Next you know they're gone
They fly on
Fly on

This morning I prayed before dawn again. The same things every day. I pray for everyone's safety. I pray for everyone's comfort. I pray for forgiveness.

I pray for the birds to be there again the next day. Only because they fly away. Every time. One minute they arrive, and the next thing you know, they're gone. Out of sight. That's why I get up so early, so I can see them.

The familiar sound of Carl's voice made me look to my right. "Watching the birds again?" He asks, laying down next to me. I nodded, scooting closer to the blue eyed boy. Our arms were pressed against each other as we stared at the sky.

"Why do you like them so much?" He asked me, turning to face me instead of looking up. I faced him too.

"Because they fly on. They don't stop to look at what the world has become. It doesn't even affect them. If anything, they're happier. No pollution caused by people. They don't have to worry about surviving this. They've already beaten it. They fly on."

Carl looked up again, just as another flock of birds was flying by. I didn't watch them, but I watched their reflection in his glassy bright blue eyes. When he noticed my staring, he made eye contact with me.

We both started to lean, but were interrupted by the sound of someone calling us back into the prison. We both got up, red in the face and full of awkwardness.

So fly on
Ride through
Maybe one day I'll fly next to you
Fly on
Ride through
Maybe one day I can fly with you
Fly on
Fly on
Fly on

Today I didn't pray. Beth did for me. It was a weird situation. We both ran into each other in the eating room, and started crying. We hated crying, but it just flowed out. She ran to me and held my hands as we sat down. And she prayed.

Beth doesn't pray anymore. She doesn't sing. She doesn't laugh.

And it's not her fault.

It's that damn police officer's.

Beth is gone. She didn't deserve it. She deserved to find Alexandria with us. This is exactly what she wanted. It's what Lori wanted. What Andrea wanted. What Dale wanted. What Tyrese wanted. What Hershel wanted. This place is what everybody wanted.

But Beth had the most hope. She had the most faith. Unfortunately, that strong faith and pure hope that everybody lacked most of the time was short lived. Beth was short lived.

Every time I see the birds, I think of her. I like to think that she sends them down to watch over us. That they all send the birds down.

"So..." Carl said, trying to make small talk and we sat side by side staring at the sky.

"Soooo..."I trailed off, dragging out the word. We were engulfed in an awakes silence and I felt my cheeks begin to heat. Suddenly, I felt Carl's finger interlace with mine.

"I bet Beth would've loved this," Carl said. It was the first time he'd mentioned Beth since we found Alexandria. He squeezed my hand comfortingly.

"Yeah," I whispered, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. "She would've." I smiled at the thought of Beth being overjoyed as she walked through the gates of this community. She would've performed for all of Alexandria. She would've encouraged us all and inspired us in dark times. She would've been happy. She would've made everyone else happy.

"I, I know she's riding through that flock of birds right now," Carl whimpered. I let out a sound in between a laugh and a sob.

"Maybe one day I can fly with Beth," I sniffled. Carl nodded next to me, laying his head on top of mine.

"Fly on."

Absolute trash I'm so sorry😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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