Chapter 3: The Answer

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He had never told me what would happen.

That it would hurt this bad.

That it would feel as if a chunk of your soul had been ripped from you, as if a part of you was taken away.

But it did.

And I feel as if half of me is stolen and being used by another.

And now Apollo, myself, and all of Camp-Half blood must pay.


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The slight pain I was feeling started to increase, I could now feel it in my head and in my chest, but I barely noticed it. I was too busy thinking about what Apollo had told me.

"Oh, yeah, by the way don't have any sort of physical relationship - like boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever toots your horn (if you know what I mean *wink *wink) blah blah blah- or bad stuff will happen. Well yeah, so mighty Apollo OUT!"

It was practically nothing.

Scratch that- it was nothing but Apollo being cryptic.

What was the 'bad stuff' ?

Did it have anything to do with this pain I was feeling?

It hurts so much now! I can barely breath! Of all the cuts, scrapes, and bruises I've felt, this is the worst pain I have ever felt! WHAT IS HAPPENING!?

I realized Octavian was still kissing me, pushing his tongue into my mouth, only accentuating his dominance.

I wasn't his fault, right? He didn't know I was in pain. But still... who am I kidding? He's FREAKING Octavian!

I tried to struggle and free my wrists from his tight grasp, but he pushed on to me harder, tightening his hold on them. The stone wall was digging into my back and adding to the extreme pain I felt from my mind, my chest, almost my whole being.

It felt so hot in the cave, which was odd sense it was normally freezing.

I was sweating. I wanted to fall to the ground and curl up in a ball. The pain was so excruciating!

I started to cry out, trying to tell Octavian that I was hurting, but he either mistook my cries for moans of pleasure or.... he was what I assumed him to be.

A violent, egotistical, ruthless soldier, who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted......which

He jammed his tongue deeper into my mouth and kissed me harder. I was practically chocking.

I thought to bite his tongue but I was so weak. I didn't have the strength to do more than try to kick Octavian where the sun don't shine.

I didn't get it- I didn't get any of this. What was happening to me!?

The pain was torturous now! I felt a tear trickle down from my eye. Then another, and another, till they poured down my face. I could barely make out the taste of my salty tears because my head was ringing so intensely.

Then I snapped.


I was sobbing now.

The pain was indescribable and I felt like I should just let go. Accept the consequences.

I should never have trusted Octavian enough to let him in.

I shouldn't have been stupid enough to let him corner me.

It felt for sure that I was dying. I gave up struggling to get free.

The pressure Octavian was putting on my lips was so intense that I knew he wouldn't stop, even though I was in pain.

Then it happened.

I felt the Spirit of the Oracle of Delphi rise up in me. It was much different then normal, where I would be totally unconscious of the whole affair. This time I was aware.

I could feel the power radiating around us.

I didn't know what was happening. I went limp- trying to throw Octavian off- but the spirit somehow held my body up.

Something was happening with the Spirit.

Something terrible.







Author's Note

Sorry it's so short today guys!!!!! I even added on a ton from the original chapter but it's still pretty short :/

Also really sorry 'bout the wait- it wasn't really long but still I'm sorry, I had the first draft done like five days ago but as I said, it needed to be longer so I had to add to it.

Hope y'all enjoyed!!!!!!

Any guesses at what's going to happen with the oracle????? I'd love to hear it!

Question: Who is your favorite couple from PJO and HOO besides Percabeth??? I'd love to know too!

I should be updating in the next four days, but at most it will be a week so if you like this story, stay tuned... (that sounded really dorky "stay tuned" sorry bout that :/ )

DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT PLEASE!!!! It means a lot!!!!!! :)


SEE YA ^.^

BYE!!!! :)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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