Chapter 1: The Problem

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I was sitting on my couch in the den of my cave when I heard a recognizable chime. Some one had pulled the cord outside of my cave, by my curtain-covered doorway, that sounded my doorbell.

I walked over and pulled aside the curtain, only to be surprised by what I saw. Malcolm from the Athena Cabin was standing there with a nervous, yet confused, look on his face.

"Are you alright, Malcolm?" I asked. He had never looked this nervous before and had never come to my cave like this.

Again, his faced scrunched up in even more nervousness, with a bit of worry mixed in.

"Fine... ," he muttered, "but there's, uh...some, um, Roman here to see you and, uh...discuss war negotiations...or, uh, something?" he sounded nervous and as if he was unsure that it was truly what the Roman came to do.

"Shouldn't they go to Chiron to talk about war negotiations?" I questioned. He had more power and respect than I did, and it was well deserved. I can spurt out prophecies and have visions, and can be helpful sometimes, but come on...war negotiations? Nobody in their right mind would ask me about that except for their opinion, which is understandable.

"Chiron has made it clear that he doesn't want to get involved with this, that it's our job to work it out," Malcolm sounded more confident this time.

I sighed. "Fine, send the Roman in".

Boy was I surprised to see Octavian standing there after Malcolm awkwardly left.

Everyone in camp had heard of Octavian by now. The Romans had only set base just outside Camp Half-Blood about 4 days ago and there were parties of Romans coming in and talking about "war" and "betrayal" (in which everyone wondered what Leo did this time).

Octavian was spreading his own story of the "traitorous Greeks that fired on New Rome".

But that wasn't it.

Octavian seemed keen on killing every last one of the "traitorous Greeks" and didn't care who stood in his way to do it. He had a big mouth and a murderous and scary attitude. He wasn't the same rank as Reyna, the praetor, but he obviously had more power and control over the Roman legion. Also, Octavian looked a lot like Luke Castellain, whom brought up a lot of unhappy memories, with his lanky and lean frame, sandy hair, and tall height.

But wait, there's MORE! (Can you believe it?!)

Octavian was also an augur. Like, the Roman equivalent of an oracle, in which Rachel was, except he didn't spurt out prophecies. He read them through what is rumored to be the stuffing remains of murdered stuffed animals. How could anyone do that to the adorable little creatures?!

This guy was bad news.

And why would he, of all people, want to come to me to talk about war negotiations? It's not like, as I said before, I'm good at that sort of thing. And we haven't ever talked before, though I'm sure he's heard of me as the girl who's the oracle.

It's just weird that he's here. And it makes me nervous.

I tried to hide the gulp I made when I anxiously gestured Octavian in with my arm, and then closed the curtain behind him.

I could tell he was taking in and a analyzing my large cave.

If I was to say it was nothing much I'd be kidding myself, because it was pretty fricken awesome. I had bright orange carpet covering all of the floor, with the occasional paint stains that made me feel at home. I used all of the walls as canvasses, as well as normal ones, and the ceiling. I had a game room with a air hockey and pool table off the side of my main room and a quite nice bathroom in my bedroom.

But I started to get nervous again because I realize that I didn't cover most of my paintings.

You see, I don't paint normal things. I AM an oracle. I paint either what is going to happen in the future to someone or thing, or I paint what is happening somewhere else at that time. Most of the paintings are of the Seven and the Argo II, Nico in some type of dark place, or of a future with lots of weird fog and darkness...

The problem was that one of the pictures I painted, quite largely too, on my wall had Octavian in it.

It was of the Seven and Coach Hedge on the deck of the Argo II fighting against giant eagles. But not ORdinary giant eagles, no, THESE giant eagles had demigods in armor, with SWORDS, attacking at the ship below them. Octavian was on the biggest eagle, and the obvious leader in the situation. Even though he had a helmet on, you could see on his face the most disturbing murderous look.

He definitely looked like he was willing to kill anything that stood in his way of getting revenge on the, again, "traitorous Greeks".

If he saw this painting, heck when he sees this painting, he'll become way to interested.

When he sees any of these paintings he won't stop asking.

I am totally screwed.


A/N: I am SOO EVIL!!! Cuz poor Rachel, she's worse than screwed. (That sounded dirty- it's not supposed to be :/)

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