Chapter 1

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I'm awoken by the warm morning sun beating down on my face. I yawn and stretch not really want to wake up quite yet. I get out of my bed and quickly take a shower and then braid my long black hair over to the side and make my way to the breakfast hall.

I'm living in the resistance base with my brother Poe, he's a commander and very close with the general Leia Organa, and I'm very close with her son, Ben Solo. Ben and I share a lot in common, we're outsiders, no one understands us, oh and we're both force sensitive. There have been rumors about us getting shipped off to train with Luke Skywalker. It brings me both excitement and dread, I want to further my skills in the force but did I really want to be a Jedi? Have no attachments and put others before myself? It just doesn't fit who I am, but I suppose people can change.

"Hey Ny," Poe greets me as I enter the mess hall. My brother is the complete opposite of me, everyone loves him and he's very outgoing. He's two years older than me and has already accomplished so many things, I am proud but also envious of him, I have done nothing special in my life, but I hide my jealousy as best as I can.

"Hey brother," I greet him back with a quick smile.

"So the general wants to see you and Ben a little later today, she says it's something important."

"Do you know what she wants?" I ask as I gather some food on a plate.

"No idea, she wouldn't tell me, but I have to do some repairs on my X-wing so I'll catch you later," he says patting the top of my head, which he knows I hate and then walks away.

I find my table I usually sit at which is as far away from everyone else. I push my food around my plate not really feeling hungry anymore knowing what Leia wants to talk about. I let out a sigh and decide it's best if I attempt to eat, Ben and I are supposed to do our own little training session today so I need to keep my strength up. All of a sudden someone drops their tray next to mine causing me to jump out of my skin.

"Holy shit Ben you scared the hell out of me!" I yell looking up to my best friend. He gives me a sly smile and sits down.

"So did you hear my mother wants to see us later today?" He asks brushing his long raven colored hair out of his face.

"Yeah I did, I wonder what that could be about," I say sarcastically.

"It's bullshit they are going to make us go," he replies angrily as he starts to eat his food. I node in agreement and continue eating as a comfortable silence falls upon us. That's the thing with Ben and I, we didn't always have to talk, we knew what the other was thinking and just being in each others presence was enough for us.

"I keep having these nightmares Nymeria, they are terrifying and I don't know what they mean," Ben says out of no where pushing his tray aside to face me. Ben is the only one to ever use my full name, usually everyone calls me Ny, but not Ben, it's always Nymeria.

"What are they about?" I ask turning towards him.

He looks away from me and to around the room, looking at all the people rushing around us.

"I don't want to tell you here, let's go do our training where it's just us and I'll tell you." 

Grabbing his hand I tell him okay and we get rid of our half full trays and make our way out of the base to our spot in the woods where we train. It's a clear spot in the middle of the woods where there are no trees, it's an open field where the grass is tall and some wild flowers grow.

"So tell me what's going on," I say as we sit down next to each other in the grass.

"I keep having these dreams, I keep killing all these people and I don't know why I'm doing it. All I see is red and I just start murdering them, all of them, men, woman, and children, I have no mercy. I feel so much pain in these dreams but I also feel powerful. And your there with me, your just watching me do all of these horrible things, I can't tell if your with me or against me, but I look to you for some sort of answer and all you say to me is Kylo Ren," he says wiping a tear that has fallen from his eye and looking down at the ground. I stare at him for a moment unsure of what to say.

I grab his chin gently and make him look back at me. His big brown eyes search my blue ones for answers.

"I'm sure these are just bad dreams Ben, they probably don't mean anything, we're both under a lot of stress with the first order beginning to rise and knowing we're going to get sent off to become Jedi," I tell him.

"Your probably right," he says giving me a small smile and placing his hand on mine which had moved from his chin to his cheek. I stroke his cheek gently feeling the butterflies in my stomach from touching his skin before quickly pulling it away and looking down nervously. I had a major crush on Ben, with that long black hair, beautiful eyes, strong voice, muscular physique, and caring sweet personality who wouldn't. But I'm not sure how Ben feels about me so I try to keep it a secret as best I can, even though I'm sure the blush on my face is giving it away now.

"Well," he clears his throat, "why don't we get some training done before we are told our lives are getting sold to be in the Jedi order," he says standing up and reaching down for my hand to help me up.

"Sounds good to me," I laugh as I eagerly take his large hand to begin our training together.


Wooo first chapter! Let me know what y'all think! I'm really excited for this one and have tons of ideas for it already so hopefully I'll be good at keeping up writing. Let me know what your predictions are!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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