Author's Note:

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This story or rather, scene, is the reflection of two major things that I had a grouse with on the show (among many other things I loved and hated in it, post leap). One is that both Dev and Sona somehow believed that they could resume their marriage from where they had left it, 7 years ago. As if they had hit the pause button on it or put it in some kind of deep freeze from where it would emerge unscathed. Well, I am not convinced that a mere piece of paper can become a bridge between the years or between two strong individuals who have grown apart. The second thing was that I felt that post leap, Sona allowed herself to be persuaded to get back with Dev. She never really wanted to get back as much as he did and that meant she took him for granted while he was always bending over backwards to prove his worth to her. For some weird reason, the makers made Dev a 'Yes Man' to Sona, in my eyes and I did not find that believable or balanced at all. So, this is my attempt at restoring that balance with this little story (Please note, I was not particularly taken with Sona's characterization postleap and  so I am rather pro-Dev, postleap, fair warning!)

This story will not contain graphic scenes but one central idea that will appear here is not something I want to actually promote, hence the Mature rating. Thank you for your time!

I had absolutely no intention of publishing this story when I wrote it. I definitely would not have done so at all, if  The_Sibylline_Sapien had not convinced and then even mildly threatened me to do so!!! Thank you truly, SP, because  I really did not think readers would get involved enough in it to COMMENT. Brings me an amount of immense pleasure to read them and I owe it to you, big time! Okay, that's it, that's my Miss World Title Winning speech, all done:))!

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