The Memories of an Old Man: 2

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I went to the field I was told about and pull out the sunglasses from my dress pocket. There was an invisible ship sitting on the grass right in front of me. No one was home so I went inside and looked around, I couldn't find anything though.

I went to Mr. Smith's room to try and find him but I saw the same people at the park earlier, rummaging through his things.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask.

"She's like him" one of them whispers.

"What? Who are you?!"

"Get her!" The boy ordered.

"And so I run" I mumble, dropping the accent.

I ran away from them, which was hard because I had heels on my feet. My first stop was my room after they stopped chasing me, so I could grab a weapon. Well sunglasses. Then I went to the village party that was being held, where the Doctor and hopefully Martha were.

People inside the building were screaming and I could hear some shouting above the screams. I hid myself while they were talking once it was quiet.

"Now then, we have a few questions for Mr. Smith" the boy said.

"No. Better than that, the teacher, he's the Doctor, I heard him talking" the little girl with the balloon said.

"You took human form"

"Of course I'm human, I was born human just like you Baines, and you Lucy, and you Mr. Clark. What is going on? This is madness" the Doctor stuttered quickly.

"Oooh, and a human brain too, simple, thick and dull"

"He's no good like this" the maid, who seemed to be the new addition to their team, said.

"We need a time lord" the old man, Mr. Clark, said.

"Easily done" the older boy, Baines, said.

Baines stood forward and aimed the gun in his hand at the Doctor. Everyone gasped. The boy started shouting at the Doctor to change back, then Martha got held captive by the maid, then the nurse had a gun held to her head.

"Which one of us do you want to kill? Maid or matron? Your friend or your lover? Your choice"

I stepped out of my hiding spot and went in front of them, standing in front of the Doctor and the gun.

"Ms. Chevrolet what are you doing here?" Mr. Smith hissed at me. "It's dangerous"

I ignored him.

"You want a time lord? It's no use in trying to get him to change back, he doesn't know anything about it. Then there's me"

"It's impossible, there was only one time lord left" the little girl, Lucy, exclaimed.

"That's what everyone thought. Check. Do I have two hearts?"

"I told you, she's one of them" the maid said.

"Right, so take me. Leave them alone and take me instead, isn't it always easier when there's a volunteer?"

Everyone else was escorted out when I gave myself over. Martha and the nurse were let go but Martha grabbed a gun and used the maid as a shield, aiming the gun at Baines.

"Martha, go find the watch, get the Doctor back to his normal self, make sure everyone is safe. I can do this"

She handed me the gun and ran out.

"Who are you?" Baines asked me.

"Someone you've never heard of. I'm of no importance-"

"Except you are one of the last time lords, you're more important than you believe"

"Well, if I'm that important it's best not to give myself up that easily" I smirk and shoot at them before running away towards the school.

All the boys had been woken up and were setting up weapons, as directed by Mr. Smith.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"We're defending our school" he told me.

"With those?" I sigh. "Humans always think guns are the solution. They think they solve everything"

"Well what do you propose Miss America?"

"I propose-Hey! I'm not American, Canadian"

"Well you clearly aren't English!"

"You two! Give it up!" Martha shouts at us.

"Right, sorry. All of these boys need to go, those things are dangerous"

"What are they?"

"I don't know I haven't figured out that much"

"So while you do that we'll be defending ourselves"

I grab onto the front of his suit jacket. "You'll get everyone killed, these young boys will die"

The headmaster came out and started ordering the boys around, telling them we were going to stand against them. I rubbed my hands down my face, annoyed.

"I've only been acting as an alien for at least a year and I'm already realizing how stupid humans are. Especially time lords turned human"

"You're talking nonsense" Mr. Smith told me.

"Oh you wish I was" I say in my fake British accent, mocking him.

The others started going outside, beginning to shoot the scarecrows that broke through the barricaded gate. Mr. Smith held a gun up, looking ready to shoot, but he didn't shoot. The little girl with the balloon then walked through, the headmaster told her to get out of the way.

"You don't know who's out there" he said.

I stepped over the sandbags they had pulled up to make a wall and aimed the gun I had taken from them at her.

"What are you doing Ms. Chevrolet?!" The headmaster demanded. "This child should not be in the field of battle!"

Lucy shot him. "Now who's going to shoot me, any of you really?!" She asked loudly.

"Put down your guns" Mr. Smith said. "I won't see any of this, not anymore. You will retreat through the school"

"You've found me" I say. "Fine, I give in. I will come with you if you let them go"

"Who are you time lord?" She asked.

"The Witness"

Her eyes widened as Baines came through the gate. "We made a decision. Why have one time lord when we could have two?"

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