The Titanic: 4

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"Mr. Frame, you still there?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes sir. But I've got Host outside. I've sealed the door"

"How's Del doing?"

"Just fine, running on one heart I think, but I'll do" I struggle to say.

"Ugh, I need to hurry up" he grumbles. "They've been programmed to kill. Why would anyone do that?" The Doctor asks, going back to talking about the Host.

"That's not the only problem Doctor. I had to use the maximum deadlock on the door, which means no one can get it"

"That's actually my fault, the sunglasses don't always do what I want them to" I say.

"Yeah, right, fine. One problem at a time. Del should be able to handle anything if you need help. What is on Deck 31?" The Doctor asks.

"Er, that's down below. There's nothing"

"Storage?" I ask. "You wouldn't have a random deck just there"

"It's the Host storage deck, where we keep the robots"

I fell to my knees, leaning against the wall. My breathing was becoming shallow and it was getting harder and harder for me to breathe.

"Del!" Alonzo said, rushing over to see what was wrong with me.

"Ignore me, I told you I'd be fine, just listen to the Doctor, do what he says..."

I closed my eyes, and rested my head back against the wall. When I opened my eyes I could hear loud alarms, even louder than when we were hit.

"Engines closing" the voice was saying.

I could see Alonzo standing near the console, trying to fix it, but nothing he was doing would work.

"Alonzo, come here" I say.

"You're alive"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Your heart wasn't beating"

"Well, good thing I've got two then"

I have him help me up and bring me over to the console. I used my sunglasses to turn the engines back on, using whatever little power we had left, and lock it so no one else could change it. I turn on the PA system and speak.

"I've earned you a couple more minutes Doctor, but please hurry up. I can only last for so long with one heart"

I sat down but managed to keep my eyes open. I sat there, waiting for this whole thing to be over. Alonzo kept watching the systems, making sure everything was alright.

"Titanic falling. Voyage terminated" the voice said as we started to drift towards the Earth.

I sighed and held onto whatever I could to keep myself from being thrown all over the place. The Doctor, being held by two Host, broke up though the floorboards.

"Midshipman Frame, at last!" He said, stepping out of the hole.

"But the Host?" Alonzo said.

"Controller dead, they vert to the next highest authority. And that's me"

"There's nothing we can do. There's no power. The ships gonna fall"

"What's your first name?" The Doctor asks him, rushing around, pushing buttons.


The Doctor stared at him, blank faced. "You're kidding me"


"That's something else I've always wanted to say. Allons-y Alonzo!"

The Doctor started steering us towards the Earth. The front of the ship was burning up, Alonzo was screaming for his life, and I was holding on for dear life. At the last minute the Doctor pulled up when the engine became active again and we nearly hit Buckingham palace. The Doctor laughed when we were safely flying in the air.

"Whoo!" He breathed.

"Too close for comfort Doctor" I say.

The Doctor picked me up and carried me into a room where all the others were. He grabbed a teleport bracelet and put it on my wrist, grabbing one for himself and Mr. Copper. We went and found the Tardis. The Doctor stood outside talking to Mr. Copper. I went inside and finally bandaged up my wound.

"Do you know how old you are?" The Doctor asked randomly when he entered the Tardis.

"That's not exactly the type of question you ask someone to start a conversation"

"But if you're actually the Witness, I want to know how long you've lived. Your eyes look old, older than time, but I know that's not true"

"You're interested in me? Why?"

"I always looked up to the Witness, she's sort of where I got the idea to travel the rest of my life"

"... I'm 864"

"Might I say, you look beautiful for your age"

"I'm younger than you expected, aren't I?"

"Oh yes. From legend it always said-"

"I was thousands of years old, I know. People exaggerated my age because I've been traveling for so long, telling so many stories, that they thought that's how old I was. But you seem to be forgetting that when I was a child you were also a child"

"You're younger than me?!"

"It seems I am Doctor, but how old are you?"

"Oh, well... 903"

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