Thomas - Just Stay

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Your P.O.V

The sun seeped through the curtains and I opened my eyes slightly. Looking at the alarm clock I realised it was 6:45 and I had to leave at 7:30.

I was about to slip out of bed when I was restricted by an arm hanging around my waist. "Thomas..." I whispered to see if he was awake. I had no reply so he obviously wasn't awake. Just as I went to move his arm from around my waist his grip tightened and pulled me back into his chest. "Thomas."
"What?" His voice was groggy and muffled from the pillows.
"I need to get up..." I told him quietly.
"No..." he whined.
"Thomas, I need to go to work!" I giggled.
"Just don't go in... you deserve a break." His voice was still muffled and his grip got slightly tighter.
"Thomas, sweetie, I'm a medical examiner, I can't just not go in because you think I deserve a break!" I grabbed his hand to move it but he was a lot stronger than me.
"Just stay..."
"I can't..." I sighed.
"Don't care!" He has a hint of annoyance in his voice. It was his first day off in a while but we had a couple weeks before he left again.

"Look, the only other guy that has a shift today is a dick that doesn't know what he's doing, I need to go in..."
"Seriously?" He asked, sitting up slightly to look at me, shocked.
"No." He smiled and shook his head slightly before laying back down and putting his head in my neck.
"I can't win this argument can I?" I huffed.
"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding... Y'know I'm surprised it took so long for you to figure that out, especially considering I usually win the arguments..." he pointed out.

"Look, sweetie, I love you and love this, but we have a couple weeks together and we can do this all you want but right now I have work, and I wo-" I was cut off by the sound of Thomas talking. I hadn't realised that he had picked up my phone and dialled my boss' number.

"Hi, this is Thomas, (Y/N)'s boyfriend." He said. I was about to speak up but he put a finger to my lips and sat up. I sat up straight after trying to grab my phone but he leaned away, grabbing my hands with his and holding the phone in between his shoulder and ear. He gave me a glare that a mother gives her child when they won't stop talking when said mother is on the phone.

"Yeah, I was just calling to tell you that (Y/N) seems to have come down with something. She's extremely sick, she can barely stand. I don't think she can go in today..." he paused for a moment to listen to whatever my boss had to say.
"Yes of course, uh-huh, yeah I'll call you tomorrow on whether or not she'll be able to go in... Alright, bye." He hung up and put my phone on his bedside table.

He looked at me dead in the eye saying that the problem was solved. He grabbed onto my waist again and pulled me back to a lying position.

"Sweetie I work in a morgue, the problem isn't solved!"

Thomas sat up, he then got onto all fours, hovering above me. "Are you saying that you'd rather be with a bunch of dead bodies than be with me, a very much alive body?" He leant down and placed kisses on my neck.

"That's not what I'm saying..."
"Good... cause you. Are. Staying. Here. Whether you. Like it. Or. Not." He said in between kisses.

His lips trailed to my jaw and then to my lips before pulling away. I rolled my eyes and then sighed. "Ugh... I hate you."
"You love me." He smirked. I rolled my eyes once more as his lips met with mine once again.

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