Thomas - Disney Land

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Your P.O.V

'Hey, I'm going to Disney Land with a friend, wanna come?' Dylan yelled through the phone. I needed a break, I had been working nonstop. However I needed to work more.

"I can't. I need to-"
'Great, we'll be over in 20 minutes!'
'SEE YA SOON!' He yelled an hung up. I huffed and looked at what I was wearing.

Yeah... not a chance am I wearing this in public!

I was in sweatpants and a baggy shirt.
I had a quick shower and went to my closet to find something to wear. They'd be here in 20 minutes.

 They'd be here in 20 minutes

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That's more like it.

I thought to myself as I looked in the mirror.

A knock at my door brought me out of my thoughts. "Coming!" I yelled. I straightened out my beanie before walking to my door.

"Hey, Dylan!" I smiled and brought him into a hug.
"Hey, (Y/N), uh this is my friend Thomas."
"Hi!" I waved at him awkwardly.
"Hello." He waved back. I'm shy around new people.

*time skip*

We arrived and went on a couple rides. "Hey, by the way, I like your shirt." Thomas complimented as we made our way over to 'Splash Mountain!'
"Thanks, I love Star Wars!" I smiled.
"I do too, we should have a marathon at some point!"
"We definitely should."

We got to the ride and got on. Dylan was in front of us while we sat next to each other on the back of the ride. We spoke the whole way through it. When it came to the large drop and the picture I threw my arms up and did the Stay Alive symbol with my hands. I smiled widely and cheered as we went down.

We got to the bottom and my smile faded and I yelled as I got soaked. "ARE YA KIDDING ME?!" I yelled. Dylan looked back and saw and started to laugh. As did Thomas. When we got off the ride, Thomas gave me his jacket.

"Thank you..." I said to him. He went to see our picture. I couldn't be bothered so I waited for the guys. When they came back Dylan showed me his. He was doing the rock and roll symbol and sticking his tongue out. I could see me in the back ground. I laughed and then Thomas came over. I asked to see it but he said no. I wondered why but dropped it.

I looked at the time and told them that I needed to go. "Oh come on, (Y/N) you need a break, stay a little longer." Dylan pleaded.
"No, I have to get all of my songs finished by the end of the week! I don't have enough time!" I told him.
"Please, Love?" Thomas asked. I looked between the two for a bit before sighing and giving in. "Fine..."

*time skip*

By the end of the day, Thomas and I had gotten to know each other very well. Then dropped me off and Thomas walked me to my door. I handed him his jacket and said another thanks. He said it was ok. We hugged goodbye and walked inside my house.

When I shut the door I lent my back against it and let out a sigh. "Oh my god, I have to go and record... I have a long night ahead of me..." I walked over to my music room and grabbed my guitar to start tuning it.

I recorded the song, singing along. After I was done I listened to the song back. Half way through it I heard a noise. "What the..." I listened to it back and realised that it sounded like post had gone through the door. I left the room and walked to the front door to realise that it had. I picked it up and opened the envelope.

Inside I saw the picture of me and Thomas on the ride. I was doing the Stay Alive symbol and stuff as I knew I was but when I looked at Thomas, he was just staring at me. I was obviously unaware at the time, but he was staring at me and biting his lip. I furrowed my brows and turned it over.

Hey (Y/N),

I enjoyed hanging out with you today, if you're wondering why I was looking at you like that in the photo, it was because I was thinking about how beautiful you looked. I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date with me?

Love Thomas

xxx P.S. Here's my number (xxxxx xxxxxx)

I literally shot to my phone. I swear that Barry Allen would be jealous. Grabbing my phone, I unlocked it and typed in the number into my contacts before calling him straight away. I called him and tried to slow my breathing before he picked up.

"Hi, it's (Y/N)!" The butterflies in my stomach rose and my cheeks heated.
'Hi, I see you got the mail?'
"Yeah, and I'd like to say yes."
'What do you mean? What are you saying yes to?'
"Yes, I will go on a date with you..." I said sheepishly.
'Seriously?! That's great! Um... I'll text you with the details later, yeah?'
"Yeah, sure, see you later, Thomas."
'Bye...' We hung up and I calmly put my phone on the couch. As soon as I took a breath I squealed and jumped up and down like a crazy fangirl.

Looks like I have a date with Thomas Brodie-Sangster...

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