Thomas - Salt

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(A/N: Don't judge me for this, I felt like it besides, it wasn't even my idea! Dani, this is your fault)

Your P.O.V
"Thomas, I swear to God, if you embarrass me I am going to kill you!"
"I won't embarrass you, (Y/N)! Jesus, calm down!" He huffed.
"You always say that and then you embarrass me big time. It's the same with every occasion." I told him as I pressed on the accelerator a little more.
"That is not true! When have I ever embarrassed you!"
"Last Christmas, you got drunk and threw up on my dad."
"Then there was my mum's birthday, you went to grab the gravy and i doing so, you knocked the wine over me."
"Yeah well-"
"And then for my sister's graduation, you decided to swear in front of the whole family when we were eating."
"Oh come on, that wasn't that bad!"
"Are you kidding me? My family are a bunch of Christians, they think that saying God is horrible let alone yelling fuck for everyone to hear." He groaned in response to that. "Oh and don't get me started on Halloween-"
"Ok, I think that's enough for pointing about the moments I have embarrassed you!" He interrupted me.
"Look, just promise me that you won't do anything stupid. My parents hate you as it is, I don't want it to get any worse than it already is."
"Alright, fine I promise." He smiled at me.

*time skip*

We were all sat around the table, eating the roast dinner that my mother had spent the morning cooking with a little help from Thomas, my sister and I when we had all arrived. It was all going great until I asked one small question that turned it all to shit. "Daddy, can you please pass me the salt?" I asked. I only said daddy because my father prefers it. He thinks I'm still his innocent little princess and believes that I always will be, especially since he thinks that I am still Christian, even though I've never believed in any of that crap.

When I asked the question, however, the thing that no one had ever expected to happen, happened. And it couldn't have gotten worse after that. But I was wrong. When I asked for the salt, my dad did get up to grab it yes, but, so did Thomas, who was sitting directly opposite my father. He thought I was talkig to him due to the fact that that was what he prefers to be called when we're at home... alone, but obviously he had had a moment where he forgot that we weren't at home and we definitely weren't alone.

My eyes went wide and my cheeks heated up. Thomas looked up and saw my dad and then slowly retracted his hand and sat back down, looking everywhere in the room but my dad sheepishly. I saw my sister holding back a laugh, her mouth in the shape of an 'o' but then I looked at my dad. Oh my dad. His face was bright red and his eyebrows were basically one. He slammed his fist on the table, making everyone at the table jump, and yelled at Thomas "What the hell have you been doing with my daughter?!" From this, it was obvious that he was unbelievably mad, he never said hell. He said that when someone said it without physically meaning hell, then they had sinned and would actually go there when they die. But Thomas being Thomas he was on the brink of making things worse.

"Well, your daughter, she call-"
"Thomas!" I yelled.
"What?" He chuckled slightly.
"You say anything else and I will kill you!" I scolded.
"Ok ok, jeez woman, calm down..." He laughed again. I looked to my dad to see he had a scowl on my face and was glaring at Thomas like crazy. "Alec, sit down and eat and we'll talk about this later young lady." my mother said to my dad and then turned to me.
"I told you not to embarrass me today, Thomas," I told him, "and you haven't done a very good job of it so far, so keep your mouth shut for the rest of the meal."
"(Y/N), you seem to be forgetting something." He said sweetly with an adorable face.
"And what's that?" By this point my sister was staring at us like we were Teen Wolf and Scott was yelling at Stiles after he had handcuffed him to the radiator.

Thomas placed his hand high up on my thigh and looked at me slightly angrily. "I'm meant to be the dominant one." He said in a low voice but I'm sure that my parents heard and I know that my sister did as her eyes widened more in anticipation. I gulped slightly as he leaned forward a little bit. He quickly leaned into my ear and whispered, his hot breath hitting my ear like a bullet, while giving my thigh a small squeeze. "And I do whatever the fuck I want, Kitten..."

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