Thomas - I.D. (pt. 2)

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Your P.O.V

I came in for my usual shift at 9pm. It was Saturday night. This isn't really the job that I want to have, I don't like spending half of my life in a bar with drunken men that constantly hit on me. But I have no choice, I need to pay the bills somehow. Besides it was this or become a stripper or a prostitute and I definitely wasn't gonna become either of those, so bartender it is.

"Hey Lucy!" I smiled as I walked in.
"Hi (Y/N)!" It was our usual greeting. We were friends but not the talking for hours kind. We knew each other, would happily talk with each other and always greet each other.

I got to work quickly and slowly, as the night went on the bar filled up more and more.

*time skip*

I had set some cocktails on the side and smiled to some customers when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see Jace. "Hey Jace, what's up?" I asked politely, even though I hated the dude. He was a complete pain in the ass.

"Some guy needs to be served." He said bluntly.
"So? You go serve him."
"No, he wants you to serve him, he is asking specifically for (Y/N) the one with the (H/L), (H/C) hair." He shrugged before pointing over his shoulder and walking off. My eyebrows furrowed as I thought about why someone would ask for me. When I looked at who it was I rolled my eyes.


"Hi, what can I get you?" I asked as if I didn't know him.
"Uuuuuh... a 'sex on the beach' cocktail and your number." He requested casually. How the hell can he be this casual? "Wow, forward, does that usually work, basically telling someone that you wanna have sex and straight up asking for their number?" I asked him.
"Well, to be honest, usually I meet them and they freak out and I just have to say wanna go out with me. However, you're different, so, thought I might have to be a little bit more direct." He shrugged. I laughed a little as I shook my head lightly. "I'll go get you that cocktail."
"And don't forget the number!" He pointed out.

I ignored his statement and walked to get all the shit that I needed for the drink. I mixed it up and poured it into a glass, setting it down on the counter in front of Thomas. "One 'sex on the beach' for ya." I smiled
"What about the number?"
"Aha... yeah don't push it, I'm smiling at you, be glad, 'cause it's all that you're gonne get tonight!"
"Yeah, ok..." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Hey, how did you know my name?"
"Love, it's not that hard to find out, number one it's on your badge, and number two, all I had to do was ask one of your co-workers!"
"Jesus Christ..." I forgot about my name tag.
"Alright, well enjoy your drink."

A couple hours had past and he was still here. Ordering a cocktail or a drink every now and again. At the end of the night he wanted to close his tab. He paid for everything but before he walked out, I stopped him.

"Hey, you left something at the bar." That wasn't technically a lie, he did actually leave his phone, however it was mainly just an excuse to talk to him.

When I had noticed that he had left it, I took it and saw that it was on his home screen. I went into his contacts a quickly made a contact for myself. That was when I had to stop him and tell him that he had left it.

He said a thanks and a bye before walking out of the bar.

Thomas' P.O.V

I was about to walk out but (Y/N) stopped me. She said that I had left my phone at the bar. She handed it to me and I said thanks before we said our goodbyes and I left. When I left I opened my phone to see if she had done anything to it. I may like her but I don't know her too well, she may have done something with it.

My contacts were open. They were open to a new contact though.


(xxxxx xxxxxx)

And that's how it's done...

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