Professing Our Love.

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Lana was sitting in her living room, she was on her phone reading tweets from her Evil Regals. She smiled at each one of them she read, also while reading them, she retweeted some and answered a couple of them. She loved giving her fans recognition that she knew and loved them so much, their support helped her through most anything. As she was about to press the reply button on one of the few tweets she was going to answer, she heard the door, which startled her. After her and Fred broke up, not many people visited her, so this made her wonder who could be wanting her attention. She placed her phone on the coffee table in front of the couch she was sitting on before she stood up. She walked out of the living room into the hallway, making her way to the door, as she opened the door she saw Jennifer standing in front of her. She was shocked by the sight of Jennifer at her front door and she wondered what could be wrong or what Jennifer could've wanted. "Hello, Jennifer. What's up?" She asked.

Jennifer looked into the whiskey orbs of the brunette woman who stood there in front of her. "L-Lana.. Oh I'm here to-" She couldn't think of anything to explain why she showed up at the brunette woman's door, all she knew was that her feelings had finally gotten the best of her and she needed to see Lana through this hiatus, being on hiatus they never saw each other. She couldn't dare tell Lana that she came to her door just because she loved her and she wanted to see her so badly. 'C'mon Jen, think. You need to explain yourself.' She thought to herself, as she looked back up at the woman in front of her. "I just thought that since it's hiatus, we could hang out a bit, since we don't usually do so during filming." Jen said innocently, she could feel a blush forming on her cheeks at her honesty. As soon as Lana looked at her, Jennifer's heart felt like it was about to explode by the look Lana gave her.

Lana looked at Jen with a kind of 'wtf' look, but she turned her straight face into a bright smile, which made Jennifer's heart want to explode even more, "I think that's a great idea, Jen. What is it that you'd like to do?" Lana asked, she moved to the side of the door as if to allow Jen inside before she let go of the door and looked at Jennifer. The green orbs of the woman standing in her door frame were intensely staring at her, which she didn't mind much of it, she actually liked it. Her feelings had grown bigger than just 'friends' for Jen and she hadn't known about how much they had grown until that moment that Jennifer stood there. "Come on in, Jen, don't be shy." She added to the question she had asked before.

Jennifer stared at Lana intensely, deep in her thoughts of the attractive woman that stood opposite of the door, she eyed her from head to toe before she heard what Lana had said and asked, she walked into the hallway of Lana's home. "I'd like to do anything that you want to do." She said plainly, as she grabbed the door and shut it behind herself, so Lana didn't have too. Lana smiled at Jennifer's answer, she turned to walk into her living room, "Follow me, Jen." She said as she walked into her living room and taking her spot back on the couch where she had been before Jen had showed up. She grabbed her phone from the coffee table and pulled a blanket over her, as soon as she saw Jen walking in the living room, she offered some of the blanket to Jen for her to sit beside her.

Jen walked into Lana's living room, when she saw Lana offering her a seat on her couch next to her. She took the offer and walked over to Lana and sat down next to her. Lana softly put her arm around Jen's shoulders and pulled her close to her, showing affection to the blonde woman that was sitting next to her. "Jen, I need to confess something to you." She spoke ever so softly to Jennifer, who looked up at her in curiosity. "What is it, Lana?" Jennifer asked, she was curious to know as to what Lana was going to tell her. Lana took in a deep breath and looked back into the green orbs that were looking up at her, she couldn't help but smile slightly at Jennifer before speaking. "Jen, I've never felt this way before, with anybody else. I feel like I'm in love with you, you're honestly such an amazing woman and everyday that I do see you, my heart bursts with happiness." Lana said with a smile on her face. "I love you, Jennifer Marie Morrison, and I'd never want to lose you, or your beautiful features that I love seeing every single day. Also, you're so funny, you always tend to make me smile or laugh at anything you say." Lana blushed softly before placing a kiss to Jennifer's nose.

Jennifer blushed at Lana's words as she smiled softly up at her, "I love you, too, Lana María Parrilla. You're one hell of a beautiful woman and you're just as amazing, if not so much more. You make me burst out with smiles every time I see you, whether you notice me or not. I can't explain the feelings enough that you give me." Jennifer confessed, as she continued to blush. Lana smiled softly at Jennifer's words as she blushed with her, she then leaned into the blonde woman in front of her and placed a soft, tender kiss to the blonde's lips as she smiled during the kiss. Jennifer returned to kiss as she smiled back into the kiss, this couldn't get any better than it already was. She finally found her happy ending, the one that she truly loves and she couldn't be any happier, as she was sure that Lana felt the exact same way. The kiss continued until they pulled away gasping for air, when it was necessary for them to breath apart from each other.

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