Falling In Love With You Was Unexpected.

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As Lana and Jen from their very heated kiss, Lana softly gasped to herself at what had just happened. She looked at Jennifer and smiled gently, "Jen, I love you more than words can explain." She said as Jennifer looked back at her, Jennifer smiled brightly at her. "I love you just that much and so much to more, too, Lana." Jennifer said as she leaned in for another kiss from Lana, she heard a knock at the door and wondered who it might be. Jennifer rubbed Lana's cheek, "I'll be right back, I promise." Jennifer said before getting up and walking out of Lana's living room to the front door, when she opened the door she saw her old boyfriend Sebastian, Jennifer looked at him shockingly. "Seb, what are you doing here? How'd you find me?" She asked. "Fred told me that you had come over to Lana's and I wanted to find out what you were doing." He told her, innocently. "None of your damn business, Sebastian, get lost." She said trying to slam the door in his face and storming back to Lana. Sebastian didn't listen, he walked in and followed Jennifer. Lana sat on the couch when Jennifer walked back in. "Sorry, Lana, just an ex of mine." She explained, before seeing Sebastian walk into the room. "So this is what you've been doing? Cuddling with Lana?" He asked. "Jen, I want you back, baby, please come back to me." He said immediately after his question. "NO! Sebastian, we're over. Leave me alone!" Jennifer screamed at him. Sebastian didn't listen to Jennifer, he walked over to her and kissed her, passionately. Jennifer immediately pushed him off. "STOP! I'm not getting back with you! I love Lana, not you!" She screamed, then she went to Lana and kissed her passionately while laying her down on the couch.

Sebastian watched Jennifer and gasped. "YOU'RE A LESBIAN?!" He exclaimed. Jennifer didn't stop kissing Lana, she didn't want to stop, she'd do Lana right there if it was to make Sebastian leave. Lana wrapped her arms around Jennifer and kissed her back passionately. Sebastian had enough, he grabbed Jennifer's shirt and pulls her with him. "I'm ending this, you're not staying here with her!" He said while pulling her out to his car. Jennifer fought and fought to her loose from Sebastian's hold, yet she couldn't, she'd be back to see Lana later, she wouldn't leave Lana alone like Sebastian wanted her too. Lana frowned watching Jennifer being dragged away, then she heard her phone beep several times, she picked up her phone and looked at all the text messages. They were all from Fred. They consisted of 'slut', 'whore', 'bitch', 'piece of shit' and so much more. That made Lana throw her phone down crying, she ran upstairs to her bathroom and reached into her medicine cabinet, she grabbed a razor and put it to her arm and started slicing her wrists, her stomach, her thighs. She didn't stop, she couldn't stop.

A few hours later after Lana had finally rested herself from cutting, she heard a knock on the door. Jennifer's knock. She got up from the couch, she was still in just her bra and underwear from cutting herself, which she had forgotten about. She opened the door and seen Jennifer standing there, she could tell Jennifer had been crying, but none of that mattered to Jennifer when she saw Lana's scars on her arms, legs, and stomach. "Lana!!" She said, tears starting to roll down her cheeks again, she grabbed Lana's face and kissed her hard. "Baby, no more cutting, please promise me you won't cut anymore. I love you with every single fiber of my being, I don't want to lose you. You're so fucking beautiful and perfect and amazing, don't hurt yourself anymore baby!" She said while crying. She took Lana into her arms and rocked her softly. "Don't hurt yourself anymore, please baby." Lana looked up at Jennifer, she started crying seeing Jennifer crying. "I'm so sorry Jen, I love you and I don't want to lose you. I'll stop cutting, I promise. I promise I will... Baby I love you so much. Don't ever let me go." She said as she held tightly to Jennifer, she never let go of her. Jennifer proved it to her, she was beautiful, she was perfect, she was Jen's.

Jennifer looked at Lana and kissed her one last time before looking her in her eyes. "Lana, I've been in love with you ever since I met you. You're such an amazingly beautiful woman and I never want to lose you. Would you do the honors of becoming my girlfriend?" Jen asked, a small smile arose on Jen's face. Lana looked at her and softly teared up with happy tears through her upset ones. "YES, JENNIFER, YES I'D GLADLY BECOME YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Lana screamed it practically to the world, but Jen didn't care, she heard the words she'd always wanted to hear from Lana María Parrilla. Lana loves her, she loves Lana and they're now officially dating, that's all that mattered to Jennifer right now. Her girlfriend, Lana fucking Parrilla.

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