Azkaban Buisness

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I woke up in the cell after a nap, this time no dementors outside. Instead stood a guard. "Look Black, we found out you're innocent; you are free but you'll have to look after your godson, he is being abused by the muggles." He said.

He let me out and I saw Moony. "Padfoot, long time no see." He joked, I hugged him.

"It's been so long; finally they know I'm not guilty!" I said. "Remus, I'm free Remus." I mutter, he smiled. "Time to take you home Sirius, tomorrow you have to get Harry." He said and we headed home.


"I don't have any clothes for the boy, nor a bed or.. Anything!" I said "Don't worry." He said and we headed home. I didn't know how I was going to look after a little boy; but I knew tomorrow it was going to happen. "While you get Harry tomorrow, I'll get some clothes for the boy and a bed. We'll be ok." Remus said, I sighed.

I looked outside the window and wondered how I'd be as a father, I knew I'd struggle but hopefully I'd get better.

Later I went to bed; I couldn't sleep though, I just kept thinking of Harry. Poor Harry! I had to get some sleep, in the morning I had to go to the muggle house.

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