Tears And Trauma

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Eventually Harry fell asleep in my arms, I put the young boy to bed so I could properly have a chat with my friend. "Do you think Harry has a mental-" "Trauma just trauma." Remus said quickly.

I looked at him, he took a sip from his tea just before we heard footsteps and a few sniffs. We both looked at the emerald green eyed boy, his eyes exactly like his mothers but red because he'd been crying.

"Harry; what are you doing up?" He looked at me with big sad eyes, I went over "What's wrong?" I asked.

Harry didn't answer the question so I asked it again.

"Don't you want me to make you breakfast Sirius?" The boy muttered. "Why would I do that, I can make you and I breakfast don't worry and anyway I think you need sleep." I looked at the dark circles under his eyes.

The boys face was red; he felt hot. "I think you have a fever." I said, rolling my eyes, Harry smiled and kissed my cheek.

I looked at Remus, who smiled at me. "Harry, You're probably hungry. What would you like?" I asked, feeling hungry myself. I felt Remus touch my shoulder and I turned around. "Well Padfoot, I'd better be off. I'll see you two another day. Bye." He left which I wasn't really happy about, there was no way I could raise a child, I needed support but I guess I couldn't expect it twenty four/seven. I picked Harry up and put him in a chair at the table. He smiled at me. "Harry would you like cereal?" I asked and the little raven haired boy nodded.

Harry ate the cereal slowly. I looked at the boy, he looked so sweet. Suddenly he started crying hysterically. "What's wrong Harry?" I asked, I picked him up, the crying didn't stop. I looked down, his hand was touching his scar.

"It's ok Harry, would you like some medicine?" I asked, Harry kept sobbing.

I gave him some medicine but the crying didn't stop, I decided to call Remus.

"Moony, Harry's scar is hurting!" I shouted over Harry's crying.

"Padfoot I'm coming over-"

"He won't stop crying!" I said.

"Padfoot, don't worry, I'm coming over with a potion." He hung up the phone.

Moony turned up (by floo) and rushed over to Harry. "Harry drink this." He said, the three year old wasn't cooperating though. "Harry this will make your scar feel better." Remus said but Harry wouldn't. Remus eventually forced Harry to take it, but the crying never stopped. "Dumbledore, Padfoot we need to go to Dumbledore!" Moony said, I nodded. We got floo and shouted "Hogwarts; Dumbledore's office," over Harry's screams.

We got to the office to see Dumbledore "Hello Remus and Sirius, what would be the point of your trip today?"

"Harry's scar is hurting!" I said, Dumbledore looked consigned. "H-H-His scar?" I nodded. "There is news Harry mustn't know, but it'd be best if you did." What was it? I was curious to find out.

"First we will give Harry a sleeping potion and a potion to calm the pain." He said; me and Moony nodded.

After Harry fell asleep; Dumbledore looked at us very carefully. "When sweet Lily and James Potter died, Voldemort's soul attached itself to the only thing left living, Harry." I gasped. "Really!" Moony said, Dumbledore nodded.

That moment I knew raising Potter would be a challenge but I was prepared...

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