Not the only one with issues

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This is a Remus POV for a change because, then we can see how he sees the situation😀 *and we will miss half of the story if it was a Sirius POV because he'd have to wake up and I'm the author so HA I get to do it like this😝*

I woke up in the morning; Harry had slept in the same bed as me after the fight. I went to look for Sirius so I could apologise but he wasn't home, nor in the village. I felt little hands pull on my trousers, it was Harry. "Where Sirius?" He asked, "Gone to the shop, he'll be back soon." I lied, I had no idea. I looked at the clock to see it was 9AM, When the postman comes. Boring letters came for Sirius and one letter from Hogwarts for me? I opened the letter hesitantly:

Dear Remus John Lupin,

Early hours in the morning we found Sirius in a ill state. He had blood pouring out of his body at the speed of  light. His speech was jumbled up and he couldn't walk properly in a straight line. We saw he was quite drunk and depressed. We suspect he had a fight with another drunk person and we are only seeing the start of the wounds. It's best if you come over.

Yours faithfully,

Madam Pomfrey [Hogwarts Hospital Wing]

I felt my heart skip a beat; I couldn't see the letter properly, my vision blurred from the tears in my eyes. "Remus?" I heard Harry ask, I couldn't say anything. My brain just stopped functioning I guess. I put my hands in my head and just cried "It's all my fault."  I sobbed, I felt Harry hug me. "Is it Sirius?" He asked, I nodded slowly before whipping the tears away. "We need to go to visit him, he's poorly but he'll be fine." I muttered.
I got dressed quickly with Harry before going over to the floo..

"Hogwarts hospital wing!"

Sirius was sleeping, he had tubes attached to him but I didn't know what they were for. Out of all the people in the wing, he had the most blood on his bed. Vomit could be seen on the floor next to his bed, gladly we stood on his other side. Harry went to wake Sirius, I stopped him. "He needs sleep." I whispered into Harry's ear before kissing his cheek. "Ok, what happened to him?" The little shit asked, fuck sake what could I say? "He got hurt.." I muttered. "HOW?" Harry demanded, I blushed. "Sh! He got... ill." I muttered and Harry nodded. YAS, HE HAD NO MORE QUESTIONS! "How?" SON OF A BITCH! "I'm not sure." I lied, trying not to make eye contact with Harry.

Harry looked at Sirius and then grabbed onto me for dear life "I want him to be ok!" He said, I picked Harry up and kissed his cheek "He will." I knew seeing him in this state wasn't good for Harry at all, traumatising actually! I let Harry burry his head into my shoulder and sob a little. Sirius was very ill, he needed help! "Love you." He whispered, "Love you too." I whispered back; trying not to cry. I put Harry down, Harry automatically went over to Sirius and kissed his nose, waking him up.

"Morning Padfoot!" Harry said in a cheery tone. "Morning Harry." He muttered. "Hi." I said, Sirius noticed me finally and a smile formed on his face "Im sorry 'bout last-" "I'm sorry as well." I said. "I shouldn't have stormed out." He whispered, holding his head. "Hangovers are the worst." He whispered and I laughed "I know." "Sirius why are you ill?" Harry asked, "I-I-I-I... have a fever.. I thought you did. You were extremely hot the other day." He said, trying to change the subject. "Well I don't, I feel fine, I just was hot!" Harry smiled, causing Sirius and I to giggle a tiny bit.

"Don't scare me like that again!" I said, I wanted to say I love you to him so much but I couldn't, didn't feel right at all. Sirius smiled and nodded "I don't want to be in the situation again." "Can I talk to you Remus, Madam Pomfrey can look after Harry meanwhile." Dumbledore said, I nodded and went to his office.

"This chat won't be about Harry, I suspect you know about him, but Sirius' health." I nodded..

"His kidney had to be replaced first off.. But that's now fine. He had a lot of blood lost from his arm, his arm has been stitched up now though. The blood lose is fine now. That's all we found-" Harry came into the room screaming. It nearly gave me a heart attack.

I whipped the tears from his eyes and calmed him down a little. "What's wrong?" I asked, he didn't reply. Dumbledore excused me and I went over to Sirius to see why Harry was crying. "He won't speak, I tell ya! I told him to stop repeating everything and he was quiet, I asked him to speak but he stayed silent! I said speak and he burst into tears!" Sirius said, Harry didn't say a word to defend himself "He's three-" "His mad, I tell ya!" Sirius said, going over to kiss Harry's head but Harry moved away. I got to Harry's level "Harry you must talk, or at least let him kiss you-" obviously the boy started crying! "No Harry, you're not in trouble." I said but the cries just got louder. I picked him up and rocked Harry to sleep. "Finally; he's asleep." I muttered.

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