8: The Note

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I opened up the note. It read,

By the sun and the moon, it is sure that one of you must die. You may grieve, as it is an unavoidable burden that follows death, but you must stay focused on your life task.

Following the death of one, the others must journey with the sun. Use this riddle, wise and true, and may your life be rewarded you.

Then walk quite a ways, stop and check out the view. For, if you look close, it can save more than you.


I decided not to tell the others about the death part. But I did tell them about the rest. They weren't sure what to think.

"Guys, honestly, let's just go to Dahki and ask to borrow a chopper." Rien suggested.

"Sounds good to me. Let's vote. All for?" I asked.

Three hands were in.

"Fine." Ambur groaned.

"Let's go then!" I said, "Everyone should pack a bag."

I packed 3 sandwiches, 10 water bottles, a flashlight, a pocketknife that had belonged to my father, a 3 inch wide, 6 inch long small dagger with a sheath in my belt, and a Colt Magnum and 3 packs of bullets (you can never be too careful).

When we were all done, we left, and started walking towards the closest up-to-date (in the sense of tech) city.

We would take a helicopter, from Dakhi.

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