~Who Says That I Wont Be Back ~

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    Arianna POV


    Once I was done packing in less then 3 days my so called "mother" sent my stuff to our new house I walked in to my now empty bare room. This room contains so many memories both good and bad I feel tears start to pour. I promised myself to forget the past and suppress all the depressing memories but it was impossible. Half of me didn't want to let go of my past and cherish it but the other half needed to move on and have a new fresh start. So I decided to not make a big fuss and let go of everything.

          I texted my "crew" by crew I mean Ryder, Roxy, Sara, Danny, Alex, and Bruce. Let me tell you a little bit about my crew they are all badass in there own special way. Ryder is like the leader he is cool but has anger issues and hot headed and cocky as fuck. Roxy his sister is beyond gorgeous my bestfriend she likes to look her best 24/7 she like to sleep around like me but she has respect and principles unlike Avolon and she looks good without a bunch of makeup. Sara is a really cool chick she can kick hardcore ass she is the one that got everyone of us into streetfighting she is undefeated. Danny and Alex are twins but Danny is older by 2 minutes they are both prankster and they like pranking Sara mostly which causes them to get there ass beat all the time but I guess they don't mind. Bruce he is the nice one I mean if you don't know him he is a total dick but once you get to know him he is a total sweetheart. They all have known each other since they were in diapers . And now I was sitting with them all at a table at our diner the one we always meet up with were we first met at.


       "Hey Ari what was the "big news" I was in the middle of kicking Alex's ass on COD" Danny asks.

    "Yea you wish I was so winning I was about to blow your brains out" Alex yells back these two are constantly arguing "you motha-" I cut him off because it was important and I really didn't want to listen to their pointless arguments.

   "Well I told y'all to come because I'm moving in like 3 or 4 days" all their faces dropped to sadness. Roxy jumped over the table and lunged at me and started sobbing on my shoulder it was sweet that she cared the old me would've cried with her but NO I learned people will leave you and you will never see them again thats what I was basically doing to them but I promised myself I would come back to this town. Maybe when I'm like 47 something years old but I won't come back in a long time. Then they started throwing questions at me like

"where are you going ?"

"are you ever going to come back ?"

"will you miss your fuck buddy Ryder" of course the only person that could've asked such a ridiculous question was the twins and they said it simultaneously which kind of creeped me out. They kept on making a huge commotion the people around us looked at twins bewilderedly at what they previously I just laughed at us. I mean half of the badass group is crying/sobbing the only person that isn't in the brink of crying is Ryder. I mean I know he wasn't attached to me because I had caught him several time making out with various girls that when I decided our relationship was friends, no strings attached at all. But I at least thought he liked me as a friend but no he didn't seemndazed at all by me departing the crew all I could think was "oh well".

      "Look guys I would love to answer all your questions but,,........ I don't even know the bitch I call mother refuses to tell me and she her excuse for us leaving is that her modeling company is moving and giving her a promotion so she wants to go with them but once I get there I'll text yall I promise and I also promise that I'm gunna come back as soon as I turn 18 Ima miss you guys !" I was partially lying but most of it was spot on. I'm not going to come back when I turn 18 I'm going to come back when I can get over all this drama.


   After I settled them down I said goodbye and walked out I was about to step in the sidewalk when something grabbed my wrist.

  "Hey watch it-" I was cut off by the lips I've memorized as Ryder's without a moments hesitatio!n I kissed back furiously this kiss was needy and he was being demanding. He drove me to my house and we made out for like 30 minutes. But we were interrupted when my mom barged in before she could bitch about anything

"Go away im busy"I said without even looking back

"oh I can see your to busy sleeping around, you're such a whore"she spat out I didn't say anything I just learned to live with my mother's insults so I act uneffected but I could tell Ryder wanted to hurt something. But he let it go and we were still in his car and he broke the silence

"I know your not going to come back when you're 18" he said I was confused on how he knew that

"you're right but please don't tell them they'll just make a big fuss in no time they will forget about me, no worries.

"Bullshit I know they won't because I won't you are strong unlike most girls I met, and I'm not saying I've always wanted to be you're boyfriend and all that shit we all know I don't do relationships,...... but you were a really good friend Ariana Carson" that is the most sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me "Thanks .......and I can't believe the badboy gave me a compliment

"yea yea shut up Carson and have a good life"

"oh and Ryder I will be come back to this town and when I come back you will have a girlfriend and will be settled down just wait" he just rolls his eyes and leaves.

        I walk in my house and see my mom with a few bags.

"What's with the bags ?" I ask on my way up the my room

"Were leaving this crap town for good our flight leaves in 3 hours so I suggest you get ready to leave"she says without even giving me a glance.

"WHAT YOU CAN'T BE FUCKING SERIOUS YOU SAID I HAD A WEEK" I yelled defensively I haven't talked to her or seen her since I slapped her. And I could see a red mark I smiled once I knew what she was doing. she was trying to punish me by making me leave sooner so I played along.

"oh ok fine but we don't have to leave in 3 hours we can just leave now" I was already walking out the door

"w-wait your not mad, your not going to get anything else" she stuttered out which I inwardly laughed at

"no I'm not mad at all I agree completely with you its about damn time we leave this crap town and go to a much nicer one with new people and all when you told me we were leaving I was in shock but I thought it over and I realized it was the best idea the pea sized brain of your's have come up with" I said with the fakest smile I could muster.And gave a little pat on her right cheek were I had slapped her and she flinched it felt awesome. And with that we headed to the airport.


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                                     ~Cutie For Days


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