Chapter Three | Festival

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Okay guys, this time I do have some song suggestions but they are Indian/Afghan.

Don't judge me or hate on me for them!


Valy - Delbar

Valy - Let's Dance

- Siva's POV -

 As we entered the hall where the Henna-Night would be, hundreds of people were already there.

It was very loud, like always, the singer had started to sing already and every seat seemed to be taken.  

Everyone was wearing tradiotional clothes, except for our family.   We never wear traditional clothes, only at our own family Henna-Nights.  

See we have a wedding 1 and a wedding 2.  

At the first one we all have traditional clothes on and so does the couple.  

At the second one we all have dresses on and the bride has a white dress on and the groom a smoking.  

Usually the first one is on a friday and the second on a saturday, like it was today.  

As we finally managed to get a seat and greeted everyone except the Maliks, the bride and groom came and everyone needed to stand up.  

I felt like someone was starring at me the whole time and I felt even more uncomfortable since I was looking around for finding who it was.  

It was a guy and he was sitting with the Maliks.  

As our eyes met, a smirk appeared on his face. He was literally the most beautiful human being I've ever seen and he looked so hot in his smoking.  

I just blushed and quickly looked away.  

We cheered as the couple finally sat down and we also sat back into our seats.  

He was staring at me the whole time and I did the same, now and then.  

He was so pretty with his quiff and his 3-days-beard made him look so bad boyish and he was just my type.  

"You keep staring at that boy from the Maliks, stop it" Nadja hissed at me.  

"How do you know he's a Malik?" I asked her still looking at him.  

"Geez, Siva stop. It's like your eyesexing each other" Selina whispered from behind and I turned around, swating her arm.  

"Really stop, Siva" Nadja warned me again.  

"Why? How do you even know?" I asked her once again.  

"Your mom wanted you to marry him, because she knew he was your type, but then they found out he was from the other site" She explained as she stood up because the buffet was now open.  

So he would have been my husband if he wouldn't be from the other damn side?  

I wish we wouldn't have this fight, because I wouldn't mind having this beautiful human next to me everyday.  

As always the boys walked from the right side from the buffet and the girls from the other site.  

We stood in-line and suddenly I looked up from the ground and saw him walking towards us as he was untying his smoking-jacket.  

He looked up and half-smiled again.  

He was so beautiful fuck.  

I just blushed again and started talking to Liah.  

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