Chapter Twelve | Dare

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Loft Music - The Weeknd

The Party & After Party - The Weeknd 

Wus Good - Party Next Door

- Siva's POV -

I was so shoked when they told me about Salim and Nadja. I would never have expected something like this, it seems so surreal and just unbelieveable. They seemed so happy at their engagement party, like the most happiest couple on earth. But by the way things are going the smile was faked.

As if the day hasn't stressed me enough already. I need to rest.


I woke up by the sound of a vacuum, I stood up from the guest bed and looked around to find out who is vacuum at 7 o'clock in the fucking morning. "Why the fuck are you making so much noice it's too early for this shit" I said as I found Liah with the vacuum in her hands. "it's Tuesday, cleaning day." She replied and moved on with cleaning the living room. I groaned out loud and rubbed my eyes. I don't want to clean today, ugh.

Then I went back to the guest room to check my phone and see if Zayn wrote me, I kept thinking about the things he told me yesterday.

"I took any opportunity to fuck any girl"  

What if he is just using me to fuck me and he is just lying to me? If I'm just a little game to him? I couldn't afford it to be messed around that bad. I've never been hurt by a boy and I don't even want to know how much that would hurt. But you have to reckon with being hurt if you get yourself into something like this, don't you?

But he seemed so open to me, he trusted me and told me everything and so did I. So  I doubt that he plays with me, but what if it's just a step of his little game. I need to stop thinking about that and just see what happens.

As I clicked on whatsapp, the first contact I could see on my list was Zayn. 

Zayn: "Hey, wake up, babe, I miss you"

A huge smile formed on my face, that was the cutest text I've ever recieved. Then I laughed as I saw when he sent the text, it was 10 minutes after he left last night or today morning?

"I'm awake :D" I quickly typed in and sent it. After that I went to get my clothes and headed to my family's apartment since I needed to clean up my room, too.

As I went down the stairs my phone suddenly started vibrating in my back pocket and my ringtone went on. 

Zayn's number was written on the screen and I quickly slided the red arrow to the side and pulled my phone next to my ear.

"What do you want?" I asked in a harsch tone as I picked it up.

"Why so crabby, Sivajaan?" I heard him laughing through the phone.

There was no time to play around since everybody can hear me talking to someone and in a matter of time someone would ask me who it is, either my uncle or someone else from my clan.

"Just tell me what you want, why did you call me anyways, do you know how risky this is?" I said hacked off by his idiocy.

"Okay Chill, Siva!" He said with annoyance in his voice.

"I can't fucking chill, Zayn! You know how dangerous this is g-"

"I got it" He groaned and I swear I could just see how he runs his fingers through his hair.

"Just text me, goddamn I need to clean up now." I hissed pissed of and shut my phone down.

I opened the apartment door and I saw my mom already standing there with a swab.

"Hurry up, Siva, the vacuum is laying in your room already" She said pointing with her finger in the direction where my room was.

I groaned and closed the door behind me.

"Don't groan and walk faster!" My mom yelled at me.

"Okay!" I yelled back and went into my room, throwing my phone onto my bed.

My room was a big mess and I didn't feel at all like cleaning it up.


"Finally done!" I said to myself and ploped onto my bed, tired from all the work today.

I tilled my head to the side and I saw my phone laying on my pillow. Then I decided to look if Zayn wrote me something.

6 messages from +44 8382092804 (THE NUMBER IS MADE UP)

It was Zayn and I smiled again, he was probably apologizing like crazy.

"I'm sorry, babe" The first messaged said and a crying emoji was next to me.

"Don't be mad, please"

"Where are you?"

"Please, please don't be angry with me"

"I'm so damn sorry"

"I love you, please answer me"

My heart stoped at the 'I love you'.

He loves me?

Or was is just an 'Please forgive me I love you'?

I didn't know how to reply and just starred at my phone. Am I overreacting? I was inerrupted by my phone vibrating again.

"You're online, answer me" Zayn wrote.

"I will call you if you don't anwer me" He added second later.

I couldn't answer, I didn't know what to say, this 'I love you' was stressing me out. God why can't I just answer without thinking  so much about it?

Then my ringtone went on and I knew it was Zayn and I just picked it up.

" Hi" I said in an really boredly tone.

"Why didn't you answer me?"

"I'm sorry, I was cleaning up"

"With your phone in your hand?" He nearly yelled and I couldn't hold my laugh back, I found it funny that he was angry and I don't even know why. 

"Yes" I answered and laughed. I could hear him laughing, too and I guess his rage faded.

"Anyways, I'm sorry again and I should probably hang up now since it-"

"No it's okay" I interrupted him with a smile on my face. I find it so cute how he still apologizes.

"So what did you want back then?" I added.

"I have a dare for you" He said.

"A dare? What kind of dare?" I asked as I sit up on my bed and crossed my legs.

"Come over, to my apartment"

My eyes went wide and my heart began racing. I should go over to the Milan's region? The thought of it was already sending shivers through me. My mom always warned me with not going into it, she always told me the bad mens would kill me. Since then I didn't even dare to go in there. But this time it will be different.

"Okay" I breathed out. It felt like the biggest mistake I've ever made but I knew it will be fun.

"Really?" He asked startled.

"Yeah" I said again and now I'm 100% sure that it's the right choice.

"Okay, I will text you the adress and my apartment number" He answered and I just smiled and said bye to him.

This is going to be the most dangerous journey I've ever let myself into.




SO how do you like the chapter? :D

I hope you enjoyed it & maybe comment and vote? :D

Diana XO

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