Chapter 2

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"Turn around." I instructed, twirling a finger through my blonde hair.

"Turning around." Phoebe said, as she turned. Her blue dress twirled with her, highlighting her sky blue hair.

"I love it." Tori said looking Phoebe up and down.

"You sure? I mean this is huge. It's my mother's wedding for gods sake and I'm the maid of honor." She ran a hand through her hair and tied it up into a bun.

"You look amazing Phoebes. Trust me, I would tell you if it looked bad." I remarked.

"You girls doing okay?" a husky voice said from the other side of the dressing room. I peeked out of the curtain to see and guy that looked around nineteen, with brown hair and eyes that matched. He had a bit of scruff and a beanie on.

"Yeah, thanks." I said, getting lost in his eyes.

"Okay, tell me if you need anything." He smiled, his pearly white teeth shining.

"I might need your number. I haven't decided yet." Tori said, pushing the curtain aside. I threw my head back, laughing.

"Tell me when you decide." He told her, but he was still looking at me. He suddenly snapped out of his trance and looked over at Phoebe. "Try a size smaller. It's too big on the top." He walked away, twirling a set of keys on his index finger.

"Okay, he's so into you." Tori squealed as she pulled the curtain, closing it.

"He was flirting with you!" I rolled my eyes.

"Just because I provoked him. No guy wants to be won upped when it comes to flirting." She said as if it was the most obvious thing on the planet.

"Was he right about the size thing?" Phoebe said, pulling the top of the dress.

"I don't know, I'll go get the smaller one." I walked out of the dressing room, only to bump into the guy, sending us both to the ground.

"I'm so sorry." I said pushing myself off of him. He was blushing as I offered him a hand. He quickly took it and stood up.

"It's okay, I wasn't watching were I was going." He apologized, picking the dress he dropped off of the floor. It was identical to Phoebe's.

"Is that-"

"For you? Yeah."

"Thanks." I said and took the dress from him. "I'm Tess, by the way."

"Charles, but you can call me Charlie." He smiled. I know that smile from somewhere. Realization finally took over as I looked into his brown eyes.

"You're Brooklyn's brother, right?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, do you guys go to school together?"

"Yes, he's a grade younger than me, but I'm in his PE and art class." I responded.

"So you're sixteen?" he asked.

"No, my birthday's in March."

"Well, call me when you turn sixteen." He winked and walked away, leaving me with a baffled expression and a blue dress in my hand.

"Earth to Tess..." Tori said, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry." I mumbled and handed Phoebe the dress.

"I've been standing in my bra and underwear for like ten years." she said slipping on the dress.

"Oh shut up Phoebe! This kid technically just asked you out!" Tori yelled. I clamped my hand down on her mouth, praying Charlie hadn't heard.

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