Waking Up

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Kakashi's POV

Light was glaring through my eyelids as I came to. I open my eyes and look around. WAIT I'M NOT DEAD???! I quickly get up off the bed but my legs got tangled into the sheets and I crashed to the ground.

The first thing I notice is that I'm back in my old apartment. I looked at the calendar. WHAT! How is this possible! I'm in the past. From the looks of it, I'm about 12 physically. Am I in a genjustu? Well, only one way to find out.


Well, that didn't work. So that means that I'm in a very powerful genjutsu like the Tsukuyomi and the Kotoamatsukami or I'm really in the past.

I then went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was pretty much the same as when I was 12 except the light scar over my left eye. I think all of my scars from the future (past?) came with me. Thankfully the scar is light enough so that you would need a close look to see it. The Rinne-Sharingan I got from Madara came with me as well. I concentrated some chakra to my eye and what I saw was no genjutsu. I was ACTUALLY IN THE PAST. Ok, I can't freak out now. I guess I have a chance to save those that were lost... hopefully. I put a bandage over it my Rinne-sharingan and I guess that I should tell Minato-sensei that I injured my eye while training or something for now. It seems to be the most believable excuse at the moment.

After that, I went to the closet to get dressed. I put on a grey mesh T-shirt, a black vest, black ANBU pants, and black sandals. Next I grab my father's tanto and strap it to my back. Then I took two weapon pouches filled with shuriken, kunai, and storage scrolls and strapped one on either leg. I'm still missing a katana since my kenjutsu style depends on using two swords.


After he brushed his teeth and went through his routine, he made himself some eggs and bacon.

"Alright" he said to himself, "If I'm in the past, maybe I could stop some of the future events that are going to happen. So I need to make sure Obito doesn't get crushed this time and Rin doesn't die. Yosh! I need to find out my limits though."

---Time Skip--- (Brought to you by Shukaku and his ramblings)

Kakashi is now at the training grounds about 2 hours earlier than Team Minato normally meets.

He walked over to one of the targets to practice his aim. He grabbed 3 kunai in each hand and threw them at the target. All of them hit the bulls-eye. 'Hmmm....My aim is just as good as when I was in the future... Alright, next is my taijutsu.' So he walked over to a stump and proceeded to beat the sawdust out of it to vent out all the frustrations of being a prepubescent chunin again.

30 minutes later~~~

Kakashi's POV

I sighed as  I backed away from the stump. It looked like a worn tree branch after I was done with it. It seems as though my body remembers that I'm a kid while my mind keeps thinking that my body is two and a half feet taller than it actually is. So now I have to rely on my instinct and reflexes in taijutsu rather than my brain. My physical strenth and speed is also limited somewhat so I have to work on that as well. Now onto my chakra control. I sat down under a tree and began to feel for my chakra reserves. Well... My chakra reserves from the future actually came with me. So this means that I should have all of my abilities from the future if I could control my chakra well enough.

For the next hour and a half, I trained my chakra control until I can hide my massive kage-level reserves to be like that of a mid-chunin level ninja. That was exhausting! How could Naruto ever manage to get her own biju level chakra AND Kurama's (The Kyuubi) chakra under control! I was tired after the workout so I promptly climbed up a tree to a strong branch and fell asleep. As I closes my eyes, there was this empty feeling in my chest. It's as if something's missing. I guess I'll think about it later.

Minato's POV

I was walking towards the training grounds when I heard sounds of someone beating something or someone. I rushed towards the sound's origin which just happens to be Training Ground 7... WAIT!!! THAT'S MY TEAM'S TRAINING GROUND!!! What is happening over there?!! When I finally made it there, I see a beat up stump, a few fallen trees, three craters in the ground, a few kunai and shuriken in the target's bulls-eye, and a sleeping Kakashi in a tree. Did Kakashi do all of this???

Right on cue, Kakashi woke up and jumped down. He's also wearing a new outfit. I have to say, it looks a lot better than what he used to wear. Also, what happened to his eye!

"Good morning Kakashi" I greeted him, and to my surprise, he actually responded by saying "Morning, Minato-sensei" Is this an impostor or did Kakashi actually fall out of bed on his head today??!

"Ano, Kakashi, did you do all of this to the training grounds?"

"Uh yea, sorry about that sensei." he replied.

What did he just apologize??? The world must really be ending. Suddenly, Rin came rushing in to the training grounds and said "I'm so sorry I'm late the hospital needed an extra pair of hands this morning!" Kakashi then said, "It's alright. Besides, Obito isn't here yet and probrably wouldn't be here for the next three hours" I couldn't believe it. Who is this and what has he done to Kakashi. That's it, I'm taking him to the Hokage. He's acting too suspicious.


"Kakashi, can you come with me to the Hokage's office?" asked Minato

"Ummm yea sure I needed to go there anyways" replied Kakashi

And so, Minato asked Rin to tell Obito that training was off today and dragged Kakashi to the Hokage's office.

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