The Day Off

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Obito's POV

I'M SO BORED! Ugh, we have a few days off since our C-rank mission turned into a B-rank but I have nothing to do! I still have to tell the Hokage and Minato-sensei that I also got blasted back a few decades from the future. How in the Seven Layers of Hell do I do that? I guess I will do it when I have the opportunity. Now what should I do today? Rin is busy with her hospital shift and sensei is trying to create the Rasengan. Wait, Kakashi doesn't have anything to do today either. I'm going to go see what he's up to...

I walked out of my house in the Uchiha Compound and ignore all the whispers from my fellow clansmen. Seriously, what kind of ninja just talks behind the backs of another ninja? We're from the same village! Heck, we're from the same f*cking clan! These guys are idiots for thinking that a trained ninja can't hear them talk about him behind his back. Maybe I should pull a prank on them. That should teach them a lesson or three. Maybe I can convince Bakashi to help me. I think he also wants to smack some humility into these guys.


As Obito made his way to Kakashi's apartment, he bumped into Kushina who was looking for Minato.

"Hey Kushina-nee! What's up?" greeted Obito as he walked up to the redhead. When Kushina turned around, she smiled and waved.

"Ohayo, Obito! I haven't seen Minato all day. Do ya know where he is? He owes me, dattebane!" said Kushina

"Minato-sensei said that he wanted to try finishing his jutsu today. He should be at the training grounds right now."

"Okay! Thanks Obito. Wanna come along?" she asked

"Sure! Lemme go get Bakashi first."

'Huh, that's strange. Obito looking for Kakashi? And Obito's changed his outfit too. I wonder what happened.' thought Kushina as Obito ran towards where Kakashi lives.

Kakashi's POV

So I have a day off today because of that 'C-rank' mission. Maybe I can stay at home and read. I kind of miss Jiraiya's Icha Icha books but I'm 'too young' to buy them. Actually, I don't even think that they even exist yet! Oh well. If Naru ever found out that I was mourning the loss of Icha Icha then she would give me Hell wrapped with a pretty pink bow. The mission that we returned from yesterday was a bit concerning. That mission revealed the fact that Obito was also from the future but it never happened in the original timeline. The timeline itself is now changing. Hopefully it doesn't diverge too much from the original. I also don't think Obito's told anyone but me about being from the future yet. I wonder how he's going to tell Minato-sensei and Sandaime-sama about it...

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard a knock on the door. The only person I know that would come to my apartment would be either Obito or sensei. So why would either of them be looking for me? Is it Obito or sensei? I walk over to the door and was about to open it when the air suddenly warped. Welp, that answers the question.

Just then, Obito warped into exsistance. Huh, he changed his outfit. It definatly looks better than what he used to wear.

"C'mon Kakashi, let's head to the training grounds. Kushina-nee and Minato-sensei are already  there waiting for us!" exclaimed the hyperactive Uchiha. Before I could say anything else, he grabbed my arm and Kamui'd us right outside the training grounds.


When the two boys entered the training grounds, they saw that there wasn't anyone there.

"Obito, are you sure that you told Kushina that Minato-sensei was at the training grounds?" asked Kakashi.

"Yes, I did! Maybe they went to get some ramen or something." replied Obito.

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