Pre-Exams Hype

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Kakashi's POV

It's been two months since me and Obito have started training Rin. The Chuunin Exams are starting next week. Rin has grown a lot stronger as well. We managed to get her taijutsu up to mid-chuunin level and her skill with chakra scalpels was almost as good as Kabuto's. We also managed to expand her chakra reserves up to high-chuunin level courtesy of Obito. I think that Rin is also crushing on Obito hehe~ Maybe I should 'accidentally' lock them together in the same room?

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt some familiar chakra signatures at my door.


Minato was happily walking along the road with his girlfriend Kushina. Suddenly, a brown haired girl in a purple and brown outfit rushed past them.

'Was that Rin?' they both thought. Little did they know, Rin was ecstatic for the Chuunin Exams. She and Obito talked about it and he seems pretty confident that they would pass. All the training that Kakashi and Obito put her through would make the Chuunin Exams look like a cakewalk.

While Rin was lost in her thoughts, Obito was just walking around the corner. Before Rin could stop herself, she crashed into the poor Uchiha (Or lucky depending on how you look at it). Thankfully, Obito's reflexes saved the both of them from a hard landing. He grabbed her around the waist, lifted her up, spun a bit to cancel out the momentum, and set her back down again.

"Woah there Rin! You alright?" asked Obito

"Huh? Oh yeah, I-I'm fine! Thanks Obito." she stammered. "So what are doing today?"

"I was gonna head over to Kakashi's place so we can talk about the Exams. Ya wanna come along?"

"Sure!" she said happily. And just like that, they walked to Kakashi's apartment.

~5 Minutes Later~Kakashi's Place

Obito raised his arm and pounded on the door Gai Style. This went on for about thirty seconds before Kakashi suddenly opened the door.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Oh be nice Kakashi! We wanted to go over the Chuunin Exams since they're literally five days away and since you're a chuunin, we thought you can tell us how it usually goes."

"Oh, well I can't tell you. We're not allowed to tell anyone so it would be fare to the other competitors."

"Oh..." she sighed "Want to go train instead?"

"Alright." he conceded. Obito was getting restless and he was bouncing on his heels.

"C'mon then! Let's go!" he shouted

~Another time skip ~ Five Days Later

Rin woke up when her alarm clock went off. Today's the day of the Chuunin Exams and boy is she excited. Her time training with Gai and his team really paid off and she can't wait to show them what she could do. 

Rin got up and went through her morning routine and got dressed. She looked in the mirror and can't help but notice something was missing. She then saw a key chain with a clover on it...

 She then saw a key chain with a clover on it

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"Perfect." she murmured. She smiled and took the key chain and then hooked it onto her belt. 

"There! I'm good to go now." she said to herself. She then bid her parents goodbye and ran out of the house towards Team 7's usual meeting place.

Over to Obito~~

Obito buried his head into his pillow when light streamed in from the window. He was going to fall back asleep until the alarm clock blared into his ear. Startled, he jumped up and kicked the stupid clock out the window and hit a random Uchiha that was passing through on the head.

"HEY! WHO DID THAT?!!" yelled the unsuspecting Uchiha. Obito heard this and did what was best...He ignored him. He then got up and got dressed and headed to where Team 7 normally meets up.

~~To the Meeting Spot!

Minato was already there and waiting for his team. Kakashi was chosen as an aid in the second exam so he couldn't make it.

Five minutes passed and in the distance, you can see two people racing towards the meeting area. They ran towards Minato and landed in front of him.

"Mornin'! You two ready for the exams?" asked Minato

"Hai!" Yelled both Rin and Obito

"Alright then... Good luck and make me proud" replied the now somewhat emotional blond

"Thanks Sensei!" said Rin

"You got it! I'll wipe the floor with the other competitors, just you watch!" exclaimed Obito though he is a heck ton stronger than probably the whole village except Kakashi and maybe the Hokage. 

With that, Rin and Obito went off to the examination building.

Kakashi's POV

Hmmm... Obito and Rin should be getting here in a few minutes. I wonder how they would do in the exam.

Suddenly, the door blew open and Obito flew in with Rin on his tail. You see, since me and Obito trained Rin, she has grown more confident and she's more outgoing.

Obito immediately spotted me though he didn't make a comment. Thankfully he didn't or else Gai would come over here and challenge me again. So I  walked up to my teammates when I made sure that Gai wasn't in the vicinity.

"Oi! Kakashi, why didn't you at least see us before the exams?" asked Obito

"Well I'm here now aren't I?" I replied and smirked under my mask. Obito was about to say something but Rin beat him to it.

"Anyways, we should get going. We don't wanna be late for the first exam. Let's go Obito" 

And like that, she grabbed his arm and dragged him off. They seem a lot closer than before now that I think of it. 

"Good luck you two!" I called after them. Then I quickly booked the heck outta there before Gai finds me. 

Time to get to the exams.

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