21 | Ikkees

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A/N : Update after three days wuhoo! Also, do you guys think I'm dragging the book too much and making it way too much dramatic? honest opinions please, i don't mind criticism (really)! Also, chapter dedicated to @morningtides who is an extremely talented writer so go check her out! She's doing campnanowrimo and her updating schedule is way better than mine!

21 | Ikkees

Lekh was falling in love with Tara. There was no doubt, no denying. Lekh had spent his most youthful days in hatred and pity for himself and everyone else. Things had stopped making sense to him and he had separated the world into a black and white. Except there wasn't really much white for him.

Until now.

Now that Tara was here, she made sense, she made everything make sense for him. Last night she had given him a completely new perspective to look at things from and her words had made him feel so light and in a very long time Lekh had slept a proper sleep.

There were celebrations going on for his weddings, celebrations he wasn't a part of even though he was the groom. But he was sure celebrating in his heart. Lekh had finally admitted to himself that though this was initially a forced marriage, Lekh did want to get married to Tara. In fact, he knew he couldn't be luckier than this. Love was melting the ice that his heart had become over the past years and now, he was okay with it.

Lekh ran into his father as he was going to his study. Normally, he would have just gone past him and so would have he but Ranjeet stopped himself when he saw his son and in turn putting his steps to a halt.

Lekh waited for his father to say something, a stoic expression spread over his face as always. After what seemed like a lifetime, Ranjeet finally spoke, "It's your wedding and the celebrations are going on for you. You should be a part of it."

Lekh raised his brows in false amazement, "Sure, the celebrations are going on for me. Right." Every word he spoke dripped salty sarcasm meant to hit Ranjeet where it hurt his ego. He in turn glared back at Lekh who wasn't wavered by it even a bit.

When it came to his parents, Lekh had lost all his emotions for them. And it was a shame, but he was sure he had lost the love too. Perhaps blood was not all it took.

"I don't understand what your problem is. You are a man now, be one instead of acting like a sorry boy struck by tragedy." Ranjeet spat.

Man. Lekh wondered what his father's definition of being a man was. Was it being dead inside like himself because if that was the case then Lekh was already one. Lekh realized that in some ways he really was his father, heartless and cruel. Except his parents made him this animal, he wasn't sure his father had a reason to be one though.

"The biggest tragedy is that I am your son." Lekh replied to Ranjeet in an equally haughty manner. He had lost all his barriers of maintaining respect long ago and now he just blabbered away his strong aversion towards his parents, although his mother in particular. But then again, in his lifetime, Ranjeet must have only spoken about only a hundred words to him in totality. If someone was giving away awards to neglect parents, they were bound to come to Ranjeet Singh Rajput.

"Lekh. Do not cross your boundaries." His father clenched his fist, ready to hurt Lekh if it came to it.

"Or what will you do? Get me killed too?"

Ranjeet took a step back at that. Lekh's words were unexpected and out of the blue and incoherent for him. His forehead creased in confusion and he stared at Lekh.

"What do you mean?" he asked, baffled at Lekh for speaking such extreme things. Lekh sneered unable to believe his father's theatrics. How innocent could he pretend to be after he had destroyed his life so much that he was not capable of being a decent human being. Despondent with life, Lekh just shakes his head and moves past his father, not turning back.

But Lekh leaves and doesn't realise that Ranjeet stays stood at his place and doesn't move, still shocked and unable to comprehend his notorious son's words. Ranjeet knows that he isn't very close to his son nor does he want to be, but he does know that he was involved in no murder.

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