Chapter 2

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Two months has gone by since the start of year six.

"Fuck this bloody potions test" I say loudly only to directly after throw the potions book on the floor in the Gryffindor common room. It was early in the morning and no one had woken up yet. I stood up and walked to the fireplace only to sit down right in front of it. I stared at it, almost in a hypnotised like state for a long while. I wanted to touch it, to feel it. I took a deep breath, reached out with my right hand towards the fire, only as close as I could without hurting myself. The heat radiated through my hand, up my arm and down my whole body. It sent shivers down my back. I closed my eyes and felt a sudden wave of tiredness hit me.

"(Y/n)" a very low voice hissed in my direction. I recognised it.
"What do you want, Longbottom?" I replied calmly.
"Your hand is dangerously close to the fire" he responded.

I turned around and looked him in the eyes. He had fear in them. Wait, fear? Of what.. my hand? Or me..?

"Yes, I know that thank you very much" I said slowly and turned my head slightly at the sound of footsteps. Hermione walked up behind Neville.

"Well then, good morning to you. I was just about to leave" I said smiling.

I could feel their eyes on my back even after I had left the common room. It just felt like I was being watched. The corridor was long and cold. Not to mention very empty. As the breakfast had just opened I was again, almost alone. Just a few Hufflepuffs in the corner of their table, eating slowly whilst reading books. I scoffed. Isn't that Ravenclaw stuff to do?  I took a seat furthest away from the doors of the great hall and took some pumpkin juice followed by scrambled eggs and toast. In all honesty I hated breakfasts. I never seemed to enjoy them quite as much as the dinners. My appetite was also at it's rock bottom in the mornings. As I took a bite of the toast I saw Crabbe and Goyle walking in a quick pace, mumbling and talking in low voices. They seemed worried. I studied them for a while until I had finished my breakfast. The hall had gotten less empty in the fifteen minutes I had been there. Voices from all the students were echoing in the hall. Bouncing around. I hated crowds and loud places. Suddenly I felt the room go quiet, well, not exactly quiet but the great hall had turned very tense. Like the living question mark I was I scanned the students until I found the reason and the answer I was looking for. Malfoy. My heart skipped a beat. He hadn't been himself lately and he had been grumpier than usual. He picked on anyone he wanted, not that he hasn't done that before, but now it was constantly. I realised that I had been staring at him for some time when I had missed Zabini coming up to me. Blaise snapped his fingers in front of my face. I blinked a few times and looked up at him with a surprised face.

"What happened? Did you die for a few seconds?" He asked amused and raised one eyebrow.
"Oh shut up" I smirked at him.

He sat down beside me telling me about the quidditch game, next one was Gryffindor against Slytherin and I as a chaser had to be prepared for the worst. Slytherin had a very tough team and it was always very hard for teams to beat them. They were good. Sly. Cunning. Almost as if its their nature. I had sarcastically replied to Blaise whilst rolling my eyes when he had told me the reasons for the Slytherin team being good. He added that Slytherins were naturally skilled at quidditch. I laughed at him. Suddenly we heard a scream. We turned around simultaneously. A Hufflepuff was petrified on the floor, a fifth grader. I instantly knew who was the cause of this. The crowd had backed away from the kid and the Slytherins were all laughing. Except one. Malfoy. He approached the student and seemed to say something to him. Incomprehensible from where I sat. I stood up quickly and with slow but determined steps I walked through the now quiet and surprised hall. The eyes were on me and as a reflex I took my wand out from my robe.

"Step away from him" I said in a monotone voice.

Malfoy turned around to face me and raised an eyebrow, just like Blaise had done before.

"Well if it isn't (y/l/n)" he scoffed.

I rolled my eyes so far back I thought I saw my brain. I was done with him.


Or was I? Fuck, not now. Now is not the time. Now is not the time to admire his perfectly shaped cheekbones. His extremely attractive eyes.. his.. No. Stop. I felt my breathing pattern change. I didn't know if it was my love for him or the nervousness or the fact that I was irritated, or maybe I was just anxious..?

"Malfoy, move away from the kid or so help me-"

Malfoy interrupted me. 

"Or what?" He smirked.

Humiliating. Fucking absolute asshole.


My spell hit the floor inches from his feet.

"You missed" he said, almost bored.
"Oh I know, that was just a warning" I responded coldly.

I heard someone gasp and out of the complete blue she shows up. Pansy.

"Draco" she yelled almost throwing herself onto him. She was obsessive over him and it annoyed him. Good.

Pansy whispered something into Draco's ear and I saw his face expression change instantly. Suddenly he spun around and left, wrapping his robe tighter around himself. The Great Hall was in shock.

"Well, the drama is over" Pansy yelled and within a second the Great Hall was filled with voices again, but we all knew this wouldn't be forgotten easily. 

I let out a long sigh and the tears burned my eyes from the inside. I swallowed hard and headed back to my table. Blaise had studied me throughout the entire situation and leaned closer to me.

"(y/n), as Draco's friend.." he began and cleared his throat. "He is not like this. I mean he is, but he's not" he smiled awkwardly, as if trying to apologise for the bad explanation.

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes hard, burying my face in my hands.

"What am I to do, Blaise?" I whispered back to him.

What the hell am I supposed to do?  I thought to myself, trying to hold back my tears.

Training for the ballet? (Draco Malfoy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now