Chapter 4

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The violent morning weather had woken me up, it was snowing non-stop and the feisty, cold wind tried to get into the castle, through its walls. The sky was dark. Yet not black. It must be early in the morning, I thought to myself and smiled. I yawned a little as I silently tiptoed towards the window. The white snow lit up the ground in a dreamy, subtle kind of way. I tilted my head slightly to the right, noticing something, or someone walking down towards the forbidden forrest. Was it Hagrid? No, no he was bigger than that. This figure was, although a little bigger than average, still very petite. In some way. This person walked in such a graceful way. I raised my eyebrows and tried to come up with a name or a face to the unknown person far below me. The footprints from the person were soon gone as was the owner of them. It couldn't have been a student I thought to myself as I got dressed. It must've been a teacher.. or someone who didn't belong to Hogwarts at all.

The last mascara coat was applied and I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. I smiled to myself. Ew. Who is that? I frowned at the image I saw. Well, there goes my self-esteem. I sighed and slowly started making my way towards the Great hall.

It was the second class of the day and it had just started. Defence against the Dark Arts, my favourite subject. Although with Malfoy sitting inches in front of me I dreaded to get out of the classroom. I had been thinking about last night all morning. Zabini tapped me on my right shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he whispered.

I nodded firmly and seconds later I looked back at him, shaking my head almost invisibly. I put my hand in front of my mouth to not burst out in tears. He, without knowing what had happened, showed empathy towards me. I loved Blaise. There was no way you could have a better friend than him. 

"(Y/l/n)!" Snape hissed.

Immediately I turned around.

"Do you and Mr. Zabini wish to share something with the class?

Blaise shook his head.

"No" I replied coldly. Blinking my tears away, hoping my cheeks weren't as red as the colour of Gryffindor.

"Very well, Ms. (y/l/n), I do not condone such attitude in my classroom five points from Gryffindor" Snape said equally as cold back and turned around towards the little stage in the middle of the room.

Malfoy and the other Slytherins laughed a little. 

"Do I hear volunteers for the first duel of the day?" Snape snapped at the students and spun around quickly.

The classroom went quiet.

"(Y/l/n)! Why don't you take the first duel? Maybe you'll earn those points back." Snape's voice was stiff and his eyes were looking directly at me.

Without a word in response I got up and took my wand in my right hand. Slowly I walked towards the stage.

"So, who would you like to duel? Maybe Weasley? Or maybe Crabbe?" Snape said mysteriously and before I could answer or even react he had pointed at Crabbe and signed for him to go up and duel me.

I had never lost a duel in my life. I had beaten almost every single one in my class and I was a top student in this subject, yet I felt insecure. There were only three people in this class I had not yet duelled. Hermione, Harry and Malfoy. 

As Crabbe took his position in front of me we got the formalities over with and the second he lifted his wand I had already casted a spell on him. I saw him fall flat on the floor. Petrificus totalus. Works every-time. The crowd gasped, none of them had gotten the chance to comprehend what was going to happen until it had already been over.

I was as stunned as everyone else in the room, never had I had such quick reflexes before. Crabbe didn't even have time to blink before he was hit with the spell. As the silence of the room filled me with worry Snape's face remained the same. He is never impressed with anyone, not even this time. I looked at him and studied his facial expression as he himself studied Crabbe. He was irritated and annoyed. I could see it. I could also feel that he felt threatened. As Crabbe was carried away from the stage Snape assigned me someone else.

Are you fucking kidding me. I rolled my eyes so far back I thought I saw my past life. Malfoy had taken Crabbes previous position. He looked slightly worried but masked it well with his cold expression. He was scared. It amused me.

We had been duelling for several seconds and the suspense in the room was killing everyone. I casted a spell and he defended himself and vice versa. He attacked me with a spell, I did the same. I thought it would never end. He was strong, I couldn't argue with that. Maybe this was the first time I was going to loose a fight? I needed a divine move.

Suddenly in the midst of all this the window above the stage had swung open by the strong wind outside and distracted everyone except for me for just a couple of seconds and that's when I saw my chance. My loophole. I hit him with a spell. Sectumsempra. I had won..or had I? Did I deserve to win..? Or was this considered cheating? An unknown spell..

I hadn't seen the effects of the spell until now. Malfoy cried out in pain and the cry hit me straight in the heart. Snape's usually calm face was now showing everything else but a calm expression. The class was screaming and people were backing away from me. Even Zabini. Snape quickly started to cast healing spells over Malfoy and looked up at me momentarily in despise. Stunned from that and the spell, I took a step back. My heart was racing and tears started to flow down my cheeks. I was paralysed. My wand fell down from my hand and landed hard on the floor. I looked at my hands, scared of what they had just done. What I had just done. I couldn't breathe. I rushed out of the classroom and ran towards the prefects bathroom.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I'm screwed. This is it. I'm so dead.

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