𝔫𝔢𝔴 𝔱𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔯?

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The most dreaded sound of the day. By the way, my name is Kim y/n and I'm just an ordinary person who attends Seoul University. Anyway back to the story, I got out of bed and did my morning routine.

Your outfit is at the top.


(Because I'm too lazy)

You walked in school to your locker to be greeted by your best friend Sara.

Y/n: Hey Sara, why'd you seem so excited?

Sara: OH MY GOSH! Y/n haven't you heard!?

You rapidly shook your head.

Sara: This girl.

She said muttering. You just shot her a glare.

Sara: Anyways, apparently there is a new art teacher and he's a real hottie!

Y/n: Urgh...sooo why do I need to know?

Sara: y/n this is potential for you to get a boyfriend! Don't you understand?

Y/n: Bruuhh~ how hot can this dude even be?

Sara: Very. I saw him this morning.

Y/n: So why aren't you trying to get with him?

Sara: Girll (remember when Bts were tryna say girl *hehehehhe*) I'm disappointed how can you forget? I'm trying to stay loyal to Mr Jeon he is soo~ dreamy~. And have you seen his bunny smile it's so cute and oh my gosh his jaw is like a fucking knife it's so sh-

Y/n: Uhh, ok I get the point.

You said cutting her off. Suddenly the bell rang indicating lessons had began.

Y/n: Shit. We are gonna be late. Bye bitch.

Sara: Bye hoe.

You two went separate ways because you both had different classes.

Shit. I don't want to get a detention for being late you thought to yourself.

Y/n: Maybe I can sneak into class? Yeah I will try that.

Slowly, carefully and quietly you opened the door and crawled to your seat. Your new teacher hadn't noticed you had came in because his back was faced towards the class because he was looking through some papers. You also gave a *be quiet or else you'll be dead* look to your classmates. But they probably wouldn't have snitched anyways. You were almost at your seat which was at the back when your new teacher (Mr I still don't know your name yet) turned around which put you in a very awkward situation. He looked at you and said,

Mr I still don't know your name yet: Hmm I haven't seen you before but more important, care to explain why you are crawling on the floor?

He smirked

mOthEr tRucKeR dUdE.

Y/n: Umm, y-you haven't probably seen m-me before because I sit at t-the back but I'm crawling on the floor because I lost my umm... p-paper clip. Yeah that's why. Hehe.

You chuckled nervously
He smirked once again. Damn what's up with this dude's smirking you thought.

You tried to sound as honest as possible but couldn't because you stuttered which always happens when you were lying.

A few students snickered at your desperateness but you sent them cold glares which shut them up immediately.

Mr I still don't know your name yet: Well I see maybe your "creative" excuses work with other teachers but they don't work with me.

He said emphasising on the word 'creative'.

You just sighed. But still gave it another chance.

Y/n: W-well I was just t-trying t-to be creative because this is an art lesson y'know. Hehe *you laughed nervously*

He sent you another sMexY smirk and replied,

Mr I still don't know your name: I like your excuses but just this time I won't give you a detention because I'm new, so feel honoured. But anyways go to your seat.

You sighed in relief and quickly headed to your seat.

Mr I still don't know your name: Right to begin my name is Park Jimin, but you will address me as Mr Park. And I will be your new art teacher.

Squeals from girls in your class were heard while you just rolled your in eyes in annoyance.

Mr Park: I hope you all will treat me well and let's have an interesting year. Right any questions?

He said before looking in your direction and sending you a subtle smirk.

(◔◡◔) what do yall think? comment your opinions, and thank you for reading part 1. <33

My Teacher (Jimin ✖️ Reader )  ✔ 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉Where stories live. Discover now