Entry 27

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Dear Diary,

Today is the day where I'm going out on a date with Valeria. This time, it's an actual date... I think.

Oh my god.

It's an actual DATE.


Ok, it's been an hour since I had a mini panic attack and I'm feeling fine now that I've found something to wear. Now I just got to leave the house.

Oh fuck I can't do it.

"Oh no you don't!" A wild Jamie suddenly appeared in front of me and pushed me towards the door.

Out of reflex, my arms and legs stuck out, touching the doorway. My hands tightly gripped onto the edges of the doorway while pushing Jamie backwards with my back. "I can't do it!"

"Oh yes you can! I'll make ya do it!"

"Jamie, I love you but you're giving me Anxiety!"

"But you're the one who made the date! So you're going whether you want to or not!"

"I want to go but-"








Then I heard Delilah's footsteps thudding down the stairs. Well... Shit "Lilly. Go."


Then suddenly I saw a packet of chili pepper flavoured doritos in front of me. I grabbed it. "Now go Lilly." and I was off to my date.

Damn you doritos.


Here I was, standing in the crowd waiting for Valeria.

Ok, relax. It's going to be a great date. Just believe.

"LILLY!" I heard someone shout my name and I couldn't be any more happier to hear that angelic voice.

"Valeria! Hey!" I was suddenly engulfed in Valeria's hug. God, she smelt amazing! "Ready to go?"


By the time we got to the movies, there was a big sign saying 'CLOSED FOR TODAY'

"Oh... Maybe I should've checked." I said.

"It's fine. Maybe we could go to the carnival instead if that's ok with you." Valeria suggested.

"Ok. I haven't been to a carnival before."

"Never?! Not when you were little?"


"Well, I'll have to show you a good time then won't I?" she grabbed my hands as she looked at me with those loving eyes which sent my heart screaming. "Come on! Let's go!"

Damn this woman.


So, the carnival wasn't all that bad to be honest, considering that there were a LOT of people there. Heck! There were many rides that I thought I wouldn't like for example; the rolercoaster, the spinning teacups and so on. I guess I have Valeria to thank, since she held my hand on those rides the whole time and she kept reassuring me that it will be ok. And it was!

Then, we went into the photo booth and got pictures of us together, shared cotton candy, you name it. After that, we went to some of the carnival booths. Surprisingly, I won a teddy bear from one of them and gave it to Val which she was made up with it.

After a while we decided to take a break and bought ourselves some food. We were talking about a lot of things until she saw something.

"One minute." Valeria said as she got up from the table we were at and walked to a man who was sitting on the floor with a sleeping bag and was poorly dressed then she walked back to the stand to buy some food and a drink. After she did that, she gave the man food and a drink. I was stunned. She came back and sat down like none of that just happened. She then looked me with a confused face. "What?"

"You just did a very kind thing." I replied, still looking surprised.

"What kind thing?" Val asked.

"You bought food and drink a homeless man."

"OH! Oh yeah."

"You're saying that as if you do this kind of thing all the time."

"Well, yeah. Why not? It only takes a few minutes of your time to do a little act of kindness and if that makes people's day, then it's worth it." Valeria said casually.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww this sweet, adorable, kind soul! We need more people like Val!

"That's the most cutest thing I've ever heard you say and do!"

"It's only an act of kindness, that's all." Valeria blushed.

"How come I only heard about this now?" I asked.

"You didn't ask." she answered as she smirked.

"Hey don't get smart with me! Oh by the way, Remember that time you had to pretend to be a puppy for me?"


I smirked back "I recorded you."

Valeria gasped "Hey! How come you told me this now?!!"

"You didn't ask." I started laughing as she got a bit frustrated.


Later on, I walked Valeria home.

"Well, I had fun today. Did you?"

"Yeah! I didn't think I was gonna like it but I did!" I replied.

Valeria did her adorable giggles and said "I'm glad."

"Umm... I'm sorry that we didn't go to the movies like we planned."

"It's fine! As long we both had fun, it doesn't really matter."

"Yeah..." Then awkward silence became present. But not for too long. "So... This is where we part ways. Kinda wish our date didn't end though."

"Well... It doesn't have to end just yet." said Valeria as she smirked.

I tilted my head as my eyebrows furrowed "I'm confused."

"Come inside." She opened her door and we both went inside.

We were up all night watching a lot of films together.


So yeah, that was my first official date with Valeria.

And for those who thought me and Val did the dirty, you need to go see Jesus and get some Holy water while you're at it.

Well, see ya!


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