oh darling lucifer

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there are texts written about a fallen angel

who lost the grace of a forgiving god

but the stories you read they give no council 

over why the angel lost His love

words and actions condemn this history

but there is something the world should know

He and his is love and all love is he

no love so pure could create darkness so 

it was a mortal of fair face and heart

who stole a gaze and an angel's breath

fall he did into a ground so dark

heaven held no sway and so he left

forbidden it was for celestial will

and so He was forced to cast His out

so lucifer became satan the devil

who tried to bring revolution about

why do humans with their cruel intentions

have a father who accepts all their flaws

and yet when it came to His heavenly creations

he rewards love with horns and claws? 

but though the story differs

the results reaped are the same

the devil was turned from sin to sinner

for his love returned to whence she came

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