Chapter 8

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"I thought you promised me a trip free from being forced to go shopping?" Beca sighed dully, as she allowed herself to be led through the department store.

"Next time I'll leave you with my family then," Chloe countered easily, smiling over her shoulder at her friend when her comment was met with silence.

"Touché," Beca nodded eventually. "What're we looking for anyway?" She added after a moment, only just realizing they'd been wandering for at least an hour now, yet had failed to buy anything.

"Uh..." Chloe hesitated; casting a long eye over the clothes section they were in to find something she could use as an answer to the question. "We uh... headpieces," She concluded eventually.

"Headpieces?" Beca quirked her brow. "We're going to get you a headpiece for the rehearsal dinner. Is it the royal family I'm meeting?"

"I just... I really like them," Chloe defended weakly, picking up a blue headpiece, with what looked like half a peacock stuck to the side.

"Name one time ever that you've worn a headpiece," Beca challenged.

"All the time..." Chloe replied, fastening the head piece in her hand to the side of her head and examining herself in the mirror.

"See, I know that's a lie," Beca laughed, looking with Chloe at the red heads reflection in the mirror.

"Oh? Why's that then?" Chloe glanced at her through the reflection.

"Because headpieces for sure do not suit you." Beca was laughing harder this time when she spoke. "You look like you're mother had sex with a tropical bird," she giggled helplessly.

"Yea well I doubt they're much better on you," Chloe countered, unclipping the headpiece and turning to try and place it instead on Beca's head.

"Well unfortunately we're not going to find that one out," Beca replied hastily, dodging Chloe's hands as she took full advantage of her height and ducked out of the way.

"Come on, I'm joking," Chloe giggled, making another move to grab Beca's head. "I bet you'll look amazing in one. I bet you've actually been a headpiece person your whole life and you just don't know," she sniggered, her laughter only increasing when Beca pulled a disbelieving face.

"I have a big head Chloe!" Beca fought, her hands now swiping Chloe's away relentlessly. "It won't even fit me," She promised, losing her balance momentarily when she swerved away from Chloe's hand, only to realize she was dangerously close to the hat stand.

Chloe used this slips up to her advantage though, reaching out with her free hand to grab Beca by the side of the face, holding her head still as she stepped in front of the young DJ to try and fasten the clip in in place.

"Hm!" Chloe stated smugly, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "No you're right... definitely doesn't suit you," she nodded, sucking in her lip to avoid laughter (and also just maybe to avoid awing at the childish scowl on the brunettes face).

"Thank god you cleared that up for me," Beca rolled her eyes, her hands moving instantly to the clip to try and remove the headpiece. "Oh, ow! Jesus! Oh my god I'm going to have to get this thing surgically removed, did you shove it into my scull or something?" She gasped; face contorting in horror and pain.

"You're such a baby!" Chloe snorted. "Here show me, it's not rocket science you know," she added, stepping up next to the brunette again (maybe a little closer than was necessary, but that doesn't really count anyway), and beginning to unknot her hair from around the clip.

"You're hurting me..." Beca huffed out, wincing as her scalp was tugged at.

"Maybe if you'd stop squirming like a five year old..." Chloe rolled her eyes, continuing to pull at her hair.

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