Chapter 13

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"Up! Up, up, up, up, up!" Beca hadn't been drinking that much the night before, yet the hollering of Chloe's mother as she marched down the hall banging on the bedroom door went through her.

She didn't move though. As much as she wanted to run after Dana and demand she be allowed to stay in bed another half hour (at least) she didn't. She didn't know why at first either. She just knew moving wasn't the wisest option.

It didn't take her long to put two and two together though.

"That was my darling mother, wasn't it?" Chloe grunted, her lips moving against Beca's collarbone, which lay exposed from where her pyjama top had slipped.

"You're darling mother," Beca repeated to clarify, trying to cover the shock she'd received upon feeling Chloe's damp breath on her skin.

It's not that she'd forgotten last night. It's not even that she was surprised Chloe was still lying on her (if anything she was a little thrilled). It had just taken her brain a few moments longer than it should have to piece all the snippets of information together into a completed jigsaw.

"Well then that's probably our cue to get up," Chloe groaned, shifting her body in a way that caused Beca's to move along with it.

"What part of her chanting the word "up" at us gave that away?" Beca teased, reluctantly withdrawing her arm from around Chloe's neck.

"Nuh uh," Chloe warned, pointing a threatening finger at Beca as she sat up and rubbed sleep from her eyes. "No mocking. Not today. Today I have to deal with an entire day of Rachel..."

"It's Raquel," Beca corrected, a manic grin contorting her features when Chloe shot her a murderous look.

"I will end you," the red head dead panned. "I've to spend an entire day with her today. An entire day. You need to be nice to me. Like super nice. Like I need you to pretend I'm your light and savour. Got it?"

"Why do I get the feeling today's not going to be fun...?" Beca queried hesitantly.

"Because you're pretty accurate in your deductions," Chloe replied curtly, sliding herself out onto the floor. "Now I'm going to get ready and all that jazz, cos I've to be at Rachel's house in an hour," she added, opening a drawer and pulling out a worn pair of tracksuit bottoms.

"Kay... am I going with you?" Beca questioned, already half presuming the answer would be a yes.

"No." (oh... well shit, there goes that). "You're going to need to stay here cos mom or Adam are your only means of transport to the chapel later," Chloe explained as she searched for a pair of socks. "That okay?" She added, not really looking like the thought of it not being okay phased her in the slightest.

"Right... yea... cool." Beca tried to cover the look of horror that set on her face.


"Chloe you'll at least eat something proper before you go," Dana prompted, trying her best to waft the fumes of her baking in her daughters' direction.

"I'm running late mom," Chloe replied, not looking up as she stared intently at the toaster (because that'd make it work faster), waiting for her solitary piece of toast to pop.

"But Chloe..." Dana began, apparently intent on changing her daughters mind (like even Beca could see the "I'm about to give a speech" look in her eyes, and it wasn't even her mother).

"No mom," Chloe silenced, grabbing the toasted bread when the metallic popping noise finally signalled that her breakfast was ready. "I really do need to go... I'll see you later though," she half apologised half brushed off, grabbing her food between her teeth and snatching her bag from the counter.

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