Chapter 16

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Double update. Nope I don't have a life

Barden seemed forever away after that.

You'd think that'd be a good thing as well. It'd give Beca time to mull over her options or something, maybe even come up with a plan. Oh boy you'd have thought wrong though.

If anything, the most productive thought Beca had on the remainder of her journey was "oh fuck, I should really be planning something" (which really does just sum up her entire situation).

Not that that mattered much. Not that she'd have been given a change to put into action any plans anyway.

The door to her dorm room was barely closed (like really, it didn't even get time to properly click shut) before it was thrown open again with violent force that even made Kimmy Jin look up from her laptop, which her eyes had probably been glued for the entire five days.

"Kimmy Jin, five minutes please?" Beca's roommate didn't even consider arguing with the figure standing in the doorway (it was actually somewhat akin to a rampant axe murderer giving the Asian a free pass to life before brutally murdering Beca).

"You uh... you want me to go too?" Beca mumbled hopefully (very hopefully actually), watching as Kimmy scurried from the room, not even throwing a menacing glare (probably because anger was wasted on the dead).

"Sit." Was the only word Aubrey said as she snapped the door shut and took an authoritative step into the room. "Sit," she repeated when Beca stayed rooted to the spot in fear.

"Aubrey what..." Beca knew her sentence was never going to be finished, but she figured it was worth a try.

"I had a DMC with Chloe last night..." Aubrey began, already pacing up and down the narrow floor space between the two beds in the room.

"A DMC?" She knew it was a dumb idea to ask questions, but Beca really had no clue what the abbreviation meant, and she was almost certain it was a vital element of the conversation.

"Jesus Christ Beca, a DMC! It's a deep meaningful conversation!" Aubrey snapped, as Beca merely nodded her understanding (it was just a hunch, but Beca was more or less 110% certain that interrupting again would cost her life). "And she told me that you knew about her dad. You told her you knew about her father and what happened. I mean... I just... do you want me to hate you? Is that what this is really about?" The blonde cried, her words morphing to one shrill noise of frustration.

"I..." Beca opened and closed her mouth like a fish, but no more words came out.

"I what Beca?" Aubrey genuinely seemed like she wanted an answer, and for a split second Beca's mind went into meltdown until the blonde decided to continue her shit storm of hate. "I mean I can't believe you. I genuinely can't believe that you'd go ahead and confess your feelings for her and then hurt her like that. Like really, are you brain dead or something?"

"She wanted... she wanted us to be honest with each other..." Beca defended weakly, not daring to make eye contact.

"SO TELL HER YOU SMOKED WEED IN HIGHSCHOOL OR SOMETHING!" Aubrey lost her shit altogether. "Don't fucking tell her you went snooping in her past and found out her deepest and darkest secret when she asked you specifically not to do that."

"I wasn't... I wasn't thinking," Beca mumbled, knotting her fingers together so violently she was sure one would snap.

"No fucking shit Sherlock," Aubrey dead panned. "I figured that one out for myself."

"It's not like... I didn't mean to... I just..." Beca stumbled, praying for the floor to swallow her whole.

"I know... I know it was a mistake, I know." Aubrey groaned, covering her face in her hands for a second before running her fingers through her hair and sitting right on the edge of Kimmy Jins bed, staring intently at Beca. "That's why contrary to what my head is screaming at me, I believe you deserve a second chance," she sighed, each syllable seeming to cause her physical pain.

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