Chapter 1

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Part 1

This entry will have to be quick… well as quick as I can make it before the sun goes down.

Fenris was taken from us today. We were heading to the elven encampment to find the so called ‘legendary beast’ for the Herbalist’s task. I had Merrill, Varric and, of course, Fenris with me. On our way I heard rustling in the mountains. I told everyone to hold position so that I could scout out for a trap. It was an ambush. About ten or twelve mercenaries came out from the trees and started attacking us, but that wasn’t something a little confusion-gas couldn’t fix. Since so many of them were clustered up around us, Varric and I were able to get them all confused, Fenris then pushed back the group and Merrill used her Tempest spell to shock and stun everyone so that Varric, Fenris and I could kill them all.

Once they were all defeated I heard clapping, and I wasn’t the only one. We all looked in the direction of the noise and saw a mage standing at the top of a hill, or mountain thing, not too far from us. The man said, “You still haven’t lost your touch have you.”

Then before the man could even finished his sentence, Fenris yelled, “Danarius!” It was his former slave owner. Until today I had never seen a mage from Tevinter, he was so… decorated. I could only guess, from what Fenris told me, and from the looks of this mage, that mages in that country were, ‘highly ranked’? He looked rich, and nothing on him seemed as if his powers were being held back by the Imperial Circle, if there was a circle in Tevinter Imperium. He was a free and powerful man that wore fine clothing and weald an expensive looking staff, but, if Bethany saw him I bet she would have been ashamed. His cynical smile gave off the aura of a demon.

Danarius, from what I saw, had only his eyes on Fenris as he spoke, he didn’t even pay attention to the rest of us. After breaking away from being entranced by this mage, I realized that Fenris was charging at Danarius in a rage but right before Fenris was able to smash him, Danarius flicked his hand and gave a command, “Fenris, kill them”.

For a second, I thought I saw something from my right eye. Some kind of blue dust came out of Danarius’s hand, but even now I’m still not sure. Merrill said she’d come over to my house before night fall and tell me what she might have found about that. But once Danarius gave Fenris the word he stopped. And once he stopped I was sure I saw the lyrium on his body glow. He turned around and looked at us and, I guess it just didn’t hit me until it was too late. He attacked us. Merrill and Varric were able to get out of the way… but I was hit… hard. Although I was hit, I was still able to get back on my feet and distance myself from Fenris.

I still can’t understand now, what I couldn’t understand then. He was right in front of Danarius, but he jumped back and attacked us. Now I wonder if this had any connection with the Fog Warrior group that he killed before. None the less, I tried to talk him out of it. I asked him what he was doing, why he would be attacking his friends… even me… but no answer, all he did was try to hit me and scratch my armor off to make me more vulnerable.

Then I asked him one final question, “Fenris, you’re free remember?! Why listen to Danarius now?! Don’t you hate him?!”

I was blocking his huge sword with my two daggers; his strength combined with that sword’s weight could only be compared to me trying to carry a horse or maybe even something heavier. And as my strength was waning Fenris responded, but his response hurt me so much that now… now I know for sure that something was wrong with him. Something had to be wrong with Fenris when he responded with “Danarius is my master, and his order was I kill you.”

Fenris then quickly raised his sword to try and break me with a second strike. I then took out another confusion-gas bomb from my belt and threw it at him, to distract him. And in the midst his confusion we all left for Kirkwall, but I couldn’t make it all the way.

Next thing I knew, I was at Anders place feeling drowsy. Anders was telling Aveline something… I can’t really remember. I asked Aveline if Merrill and Varric were alright; they were fine. Once I tried to get up I felt a sharp pain on my left arm… the arm that Fenris scraped with his blade. Anders then told me to lie back down, that I was still injured. I then asked the others “what are we going to do about Fenris?” by this time everyone was in the room but Varric, supposedly giving me some privacy, and went outside.

“Well? We can’t just leave him with Danarius.”

Then Merrill asked, “well, what can we do? Even during my time training as Keeper, I have never seen or felt an elf with that kind of strength. I know it must be the lyrium in him but with all that power… how are we going to get him back without one of us… well…”

Aveline then agreed with adding the fact that I gave him a pretty amazing sword that could also cut us all in half… Isabela then said “I’m sorry Tifea but without some kind of plan… I’m not sure if we can get Fenris back…”

Immediately after Isabela said that, I said that I would think of a plan. I wasn’t going to leave Fenris there with that abomination… “A night attack” I said. Then I got up, despite Anders’s warnings, and before I explained the plan to the rest of the group I asked Merrill about the dust stuff that I saw come out of Danarius’s hand.

“I’ll look around and see what I can find”, said Merrill and she left.

I then turned around and explained my thinking. “Danarius told Fenris, while we were … leaving… that they were going to leave tomorrow to Tevinter, I know that he’ll be staying in a house, probably not in Kirkwall, but somewhere around it.” Isabela asked me how I was so sure of that, and I didn’t quite answer her question when I told her that I would ask my business partner in the city if he could find out where Danarius could be staying.

“Then what?” said Varric now coming into the room, “we can’t just walk in there asking for the Elf back.” I was so bothered by their responses, they weren’t even willing to go after Fenris… or maybe they just didn’t know what to do and were trying to make me think the whole thing through. Either way I told them that I had a plan and I’d tell the ones that were coming with me, to get Fenris, what to do at night fall.

I think that’s Merrill… I’ll write again, once we get Fenris back.

Book I: DA II FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now