Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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~~~~~~ [   Part One   ] ~~~~~~


       Beep-Beep-Beep-Bee--! Slam!

       A soft groan erupted from the bundle of blankets on the bed, and gentle ruffling was heard. Suddenly, the covers flew off the bed and found a new position on the floor. The lazy, irritated, and exhasted brunet still laying in bed growled lightly before tossing a pillow over his face.

/Ugghhh...god's sooo early...and I'm soooo tired!!!.../ Thought the young male. Sighing, he sat up and glanced over at his desk near the window. He rubbed his eyes and squinted at the smaller-than-normal-sized calendar hanging there.

/Hmm...what's that say?...Oh, shoot...I can't see without my glasses!/ After placing the optical lenses on his nose, the 18-year-old peered at the red-marker outlines around...

/SEPTEMBER 8TH!!!! SHIT...There's so much I still have to do before restock all my school supplies, check the school website...soooo much..../

       To be honest though, the brown-haired adult knew he was more prepared than most adults his age would be...but then again, this was the child-success Dipper Pines...why would he NOT be ready?


       After the young adult finished his breakfast, he got dressed in some casual attire: an orange-red T-shirt, some light-blue jeans, a black sweater, and his signature Pinetree hat. Dipper jogged over to the door, slipped on a pair of black converse, and continued his way outside.

       As soon as he stepped outside, the wind brushed his bangs to the side, tickling his cheeks. Heaving a relaxed sigh, Dipper stuffed his hands in his pockets and continued walking down the street to the supplies store.

/The only perks of living near this college is that now I can just walk to school, and pick up any supplies I might need! Plus, there's a sweet café a few blocks wouldn't hurt to stop by there afterschool every once in awhile./ The 18-year-old thought, walking through the doors that led to a store filled with practically everything. Giving the store owner a brief wave, he went down some isle stocked with notebooks, pens, calculators, and whatnot. It was surprising to see that there were multiple items (made with high quality) being sold at prices like $6.00 or $10.00. But this was Gravity can't expect anything to be normal.

       After strolling around and picking up a couple of packets of pens (he always ran out, for some reason) and copy paper, Dipper walked towards the front of the store again. Out of nowhere, a tall man wearing a thick, black trench coat rammed into Dipper's shoulder, pausing slightly to mutter a quiet sorry. The younger male turned his head a little to give the stranger an annoyed look, but was only able to catch a glimpse of golden-blond hair before the person disappeared completely from his view.

/Who the hell was that?! Ugh, people these days...they have absolutely no manners whatsoever...what happened to the world before this?/ Dipper thought angerily. Huffing, the brunet continued his trip to the cashier.

/Sighhh...I can't get annoyed so easily like that...I'm in college, people are bound to push me around like that in the halls too. I just need to chill./ Dipper gave the clerk a twenty-dollar bill, and quickly left the store, not even bothering to collect the change. Even though the adult seemed to be annoyed from the incident with the other guy, his eyes told the truth. Dipper was basically buzzing with excitement; his legs carried him back to his apartment in only a matter of seconds...all because he was ready to finish setting up his binder for tomorrow (many of the other people attending the same college as Dipper didn't even start collecting their materials yet).

       After setting the items he purchased on top of his bed, the brunet noticed that there was an unfamiliar-looking notebook sitting on his desk.

/Weird...I don't remember getting a notebook like this...or placing it here in the morning...what's it doing here? Whatever, I have other things to focus on right now.../ Dipper held the notebook in his hands a little longer, secretly liking the texture of the cover. The book itself was entirely white, with a blue covering right over the spine. Finally, on the front was Dipper's signature symbol, a blue pinetree.

/Well, isn't that a coincidence? A blue pinetree imprinted on the cover of a really nice-looking journal that I've never seen in my entire life...Well, it would be a waste to just throw it, why shouldn't I keep it?/ Smiling softly, the young adult placed the empty book down, and sat  on the chair in front of him. Dipper flipped his laptop open and cracked his knuckles.

       "Ok, time to get to work!"

       As the male began typing on the electronic, little did he know that something-- no, someone, was watching his every move.


Should I continue this book? And the rest of the series? Well, the series will end off with three least that's what I planned...Just let me know if you like this chapter or not so I know whether to continue it. 

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