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That's the only thing she could really be at this point. But why should she be depressed at her young age?

She's already successful, having won Nobel peace prizes for her thinking to revolutionize filtering pollution on a large scale. She has solved global problems and hailed a genius of the entire century.

How fake everyone is.

How truly terrible the world actually is.

"With great wisdom comes great responsibility." Quoted by Uncle Ben.

Ha, don't make me laugh.

"With great wisdom comes great depression." Should be the truth.

Look at Einstein, his knowledge of the universe left him with one gift; depression.

"They say intelligence and depression go hand to hand."

So here she was, holding a shotgun her father owned, gold plated and all, and aimed at her eyes.

Doubt bit the back of her mind, maybe she should hold off. There's some stuff to look forward too! There's movies that haven't been released, there's music that has yet to be heard!

There's anime to look forward too, their are games that have been in development for years!

Who was she kidding.

Nothing has been good since 20XX and she's still stuck in this never ending loop of constant disappointment.

The quality of everything has gone done, and yet the public keep praising of its goodness. Who the hell cares if XXXXX is getting a rerun with his son, it sucks!

Who cares if XXXX is getting a new season? The source material is bland and the only thing that's worth mentioning is the stellar animation studio.

Sure, she's into anime, sure she can appreciate a good thriller movie, but she cannot stand the recent ones on the market that portray a perfect character who builds a harem. A thriller that ends up in a soddy romance-comedy. Sure she also dabbled with the massive music culture in Korea, but the immoral fanbase filled with crazy people?

Like she said before, the world is truly, terrible.

And with that last, though in her head, she pulled the trigger and blacked out.

It was peaceful. Calm. Almost as if it was worth it. The white pain pulsated around her body, almost as if it were trying to put her to sleep. How warm it was, the light that kept shining on her, lulling her to that sleep she so craves for.

And it all disappeared when darkness took over, a distorted voice that had thousands of tones that built into a single voice that spoke.

"Second thoughts? Maybe if you realized how vital you were to the world, you would have a meaning."

God? Surely not that exist. She was the women of science and knowledge, something like 'God' doesn't exist. It's impossible, outrage even.

"Humans need a reasoning to live, a meaning, almost like a goal. Some strive to be rich, other to be powerful, and some? Just for the enjoyment of life."

Meaning? Reasoning? Maybe if she had one she would've stayed longer. Right now, there is no goal in mind.

"I'll give you a reasoning. Enjoyment in your life was difficult, so let's see you make enjoyment. Can't be that difficult for someone if your caliber."

And so, she was dunked into something warm. Something wet, her entire body being squeezed and forced to follow where she couldn't ignore, as if it calling at her.

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