Chapter 1

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The sounds of a sizzling fire blazed lightly around them, making the intensity blaze.

Star had snapped. The Umbreon turned his silhouetted head to what seemed a Lucario under the name Lucas. His tone was loaded with a deep rage. "I thought you were on our side!"

The silence between that was awful. It seemed to lure you in, waiting for someone to say something. Or anything.

But it was all broken. All broken by a soft chuckling coming from Lucas.

"Oh, brother..." the Lucario glitched, the gleaming, fierce eyes turned a dark, mischievous brown.

And with a snap, it all came together. There stood a Leafeon before them, with a smile as she said,

"I was never on your side."

You would think Ember was just staring emotionlessly as she watched. But, indeed, she was feeling emotion.

The Leafeon before them beamed at their reactions, a mischievous look gleaming in her eyes. It seemed like the old her, but this mischievous... it was...different.

Ember tried to identify the look. But the fact that her vision was black and white only made it harder.

"Wait. Seriously?" The Leafed Pokémon raised a eyebrow at them. "No reaction? Just silence? Nothing like... 'OH NU SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ON OUR SIDE BUT SHE ISNTTT'? Or even more dramatic?"

Before anyone could respond, which no one looked like they were, she continued.

"Or maybe 'OH GOD SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BR DEAD BUT SHE ISNNTTT'. That works too." Nature shrugged, a worm appearing on her shoulders. Her pet, Marvin which she had received when she first entered the gang.

"N-nature..." Star murmured, staring at his sister with wild emotions flashing through his dark red eyes. "You... you were dead."

Nature. Ember thought with narrowed eyes at their formal companion. You would think she is trustworthy. With her being positive and goofy and all, but no. No one is trustworthy nowadays.

Flashes of Star and the others filed in her mind.

No, no Ember. Ember snarled mentally to herself. They are NOT your friends. You can't trust them.

Her thoughts were pulled away as the fight continued.

"Uh, correction, I'm still dead. Basically." Nature shrugged, petting Marvin.

Blossom stepped up, not seeming to care about the how she was here thing. "What are you doing here?! What do you want?! When-"

"BOOOORING." Nature rolled her eyes with a bored expression. "Honestly, Bloss, your questions are simply no fun."

Blossom blinked with a bewildered look crossing her face before she quickly glared at Nature. "I-"

"IDEA!" Nature randomly grinned, laughing cheerfully. "Shad, come here!"

The Mimikyu beside Ember froze, trembling wildly. Even though you couldn't see his eyes, it seemed like they were twice as small in fear.

"S-Shad won't obey Nature!" Shad swore, hiding behind Ember with his small wooden tail dragging.

Ember blinked slowly at him before turning her head to Nature with an emotionless expression. "The guy doesn't like you anymore. Sorry."

"Blah blah blah." Nature retorted and sprang on one paw into the air. But... something was different.

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