Chapter 10

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Kim was taking a few steps back. "Oh god..."

Jewel watched her. "I'm suspecting something's not good?"

Kim shook her head but forced a smile. "No, no. I'm overreacting. Let's just... go to the others. One Pokémon won't do anything." Kim started to walk towards their sleeping areas.

Bubbles slid after her. "Are you s-sure? I mean, barely anyone else besides u-us lives in this area."

"Bubbles saying that." Shad padded after her. "Bubbles barely been here long."

Kim wagged her tail rapidly, dismissively. "It's fine. I promise."

Jewel, Shad, and Bubbles glanced at eachother before walking after. But Bubbles stopped.

"Ember?" He turned around. No Ember in sight. "Huh..."


"Be sure to get her neck." Ember called from the sidelines.

Agreeing, Cross slid her tail around Nature's neck and slammed her into the dusty ground again. Nature wheezed. "CROSS, YOU COWARD. IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO THIS TO ME, GO AHEAD AND KILL ME. ARCUES."

Cookie took an uneasy step toward's Lucas's side. "Is this- necessary?" She spoke in a quiet tone, as if Cross was about to get her next. Lucas shrugged. "I don't know what she did. But apparently it's her welcome back party."

"IM SO LOVED." Nature coughed as she was dropped by Cross's powerful grip.

Cross grunted. "You know what you did."

"WHAT? GET YOU TO FINALLYYYY SHOW SOME AFFECTION TOWARDS LUCAS?" Cross's face danced with colors of scarlet, but Nature continued anyway. "ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME. NEXT, YOU'RE GONNA BE LIKE SLOSSOM."

Star, who was also beside Lucas, shrunk behind him. Ember silently nodded, causing Cross to be a little more confused.

"Like Slossom?" The red on her cheeks was fading. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Cookie glanced up at Lucas with an expecting gaze, as if he knew. Lucas wasn't looking back at her, he was watching Star hiding behind him. "I think it's best if I don't tell you for no-"

"Star asked out Blossom."


"And she said yes."


Star sighed quietly. "Why did I do this to myself."

Cross only rolled her eyes, not surprised by the looks of it. "Finally. You had an obvious crush on her, Star."

Cookie nodded, a shipper-crazed smile formed by her lips. "And she liked you tooo."

The flustered Umbreon hid further behind Lucas. "W-What's that supposed to mean?"

"Are you kidding?" Nature sat up from the ground, ignoring her new injuries that probably hurt like hell. "You blushed when she even looked at you, brother."

Before they could torture Star any more, Kim rushed in. Following behind her more slowly were Jewel, Shad, and Bubbles. "Nature!" Kim hurled herself at her. "What happened?"

"Awww, you care." Nature smiled softly. Then it faded into mischief. "You're such a Mom."

Kim huffed. "Here, let me heal you." And so her healing powers did there thing.
Jewel sat down. "So, what happened here?"

While Lucas explained, Ember studied the group. They were missing Blossom, Blade, and Clara. She wondered where they were, and as if Cookie read her mind, she spoke up. "Where's Blossom and the others?"

Shad perked up. "Uh. Shad don't know."

Bubbles shook his head. "O-oh no. Not more drama-"

"Here, bitches." Blossom walked up with Blade and Clara behind her. "I was watching Nature get beat up. Revenge for always bumping in with me and Star, I guess."


"I don't hate you." Cookie looked at Nature.


"Hey! I'm as grown up as you and the others!" Cookie pouted.

"Awwww." All the group said in sync at her expression. Except Lucas, who patted Cookie's head. "You're as grown up as all of us, kid."

The gang all went silent for a while. Then Kim spoke in a soft tone. "Woah." she barely whispered.

"What's up?" Clara asked, scooting around the group until she was beside Ember and Bubbles. Bubbles had gone towards Ember while Cookie and Nature were talking.

"It's just..." Kim looked around at them. "This is the first time we've all been together since... how long now? And we have new additions." She smiled warmly at Clara and Bubbles, who grinned back.

Blade counted heads. "Eleven people. Or twelve? At least I think. The writer isn't so good at numbers."

"Hah." Nature chuckled. "That's gonna be a pain in the ass for her to keep up with."

Yes. Yes it is.

"Uhm, actually," Cookie spoke up. The group turned to her. "What is it?" Most of them said all together.

"I was wondering." Cookie kneaded the ground anxiously. "I... have this friend. She's more like a sister, actually. So I was wondering- if maybe we could have another member in the grou-"

There was a shocked gasp interrupting her from somewhere in their surroundings. "COOKEH. HOW DARE YOU. DO YOU NOT COUNT FRANK AS A HOOMAN TOO?" There was some sort of patting sound. The sound was flat, solid. Almost as if she was patting a... rock? "ITS OK FRANK. YOU EQUAL TO EVERYONE. EVEN BETTER."

Nature perked slightly. "Derpy Duo bro?" She asked slowly.

Cookie smiled a bit. "Okay, that ruins the grand entrance. But... I think you'll like her. Especially you." She looked at Blade and Nature. "She's a shipper also."

Blade put on a daring face. "BRING 'ER IN."

Wish granted, a Mightyena crashed in through the trees with a rock on her fluffy back. "I'M HERE TO BRING UP THE NUMBERS SO WE CAN TORTURE THE WRITER."

Cookie, despite being confuzzled about what all this writer stuff was, only gestured towards her friend. "Everyone, this is Willow."

(Short chapter ik)

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