Chapter Fifteen

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After Cole has stormed out of the room, Chloé sat down in the chair next to Marinette's bed. The two talked for what seemed like hours, catching up on recent events, mainly Cole. The blonde explained that Cole never liked being tied down so when he mentioned he had met someone while on their family trip, it came as a surprise to Chloé.

"I'm sorry, for everything that Cole has said or done to you."

"Chloé, you don't have to apologize for his stupidity." Adrien said as he walked over to the two.

The three smiled, sitting in silence for the first time that night. It was a comfortable silence, not an awkward one everyone was expecting. Alya and Nino entered the room along with Hugo and Devan. Once Hugo was placed onto the floor, Adrien kneeled in front of him with each arm outstretched. Instead of running towards Adrien, Hugo ran to Marinette's bedside, wanting to be picked up. The couple laughed as Marinette picked the toddler up. He sat in her lap and giggled as he tucked his head into the crook of Marinette's neck. She smiled and ran a hand through his dark hair. Hugo's eyes matched Adrien's, green as the grass while his hair matched Marinette's, black with a blue hue. In the future, he'd surely have Adrien's facial structure along with Marinette's personality.

It only took a few hours for the bluenette to be discharged but when she finally was, a thought ran through her mind. Chloé and Kim had finally moved past the friend barrier, going on their first date a year after high school. No one really heard anything after and Marinette wondered if things were still going great for the two.

"About that," Chloé sighed, a forlorn look appearing on her features. "Kim and I... haven't talked to one another since that date. It's didn't, well let's just say it didn't work out too well."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. But if you don't mind my asking, how did things go downhill? You two seemed excited." Marinette placed a hand on Chloé's shoulder. The blonde looked at her and bit down on her lip.

"We were... until I screwed everything up. Like always." She mumbled the last sentence, not wanting anyone to hear her yet she was close enough for everyone to know what she said.


Kim had tried time after time to get Chloé to go on a date with him, going as far as arranging a dance number outside her father's hotel. Even though this attempt didn't work out, the next one was just as memorable.

It was simple yet effective; Kim had taped a note onto the elevator door, hoping Chloé would read it. After she did, the two met in the park where Kim handed her a dozen roses and another note, being too nervous to say anything.

Chloé agreed, her once icy heart had melted from all the attempts Kim made to win her affections. Granted, she should've accepted his offer long before this moment, but Kim was happy she finally did nonetheless.

The day of the date sent chills down Kim's spine. He had a speech written about his feelings towards Chloé, not knowing what to say to her face to face once they met. Deep down, Chloé was feeling the same way. She was worried things wouldn't work out, leaving her, presumably, alone. The thing was, Chloé had a secret crush on Kim, things becoming clear to her during their first dance at her party while they were still in school.

Chloé dressed up a little for the date, choosing a gold knee high dress with sequins, one of her favorite things to wear. The two met up, Kim wearing a nice black suit with a yellow tie. Clouds covered the moon as the two walked to their destination.

While her snob side reigned over, Chloé was afraid to let out her real emotions and pretended to be uninterested in Kim during their date. He took notice of this and began to think he wasn't good enough for the diva.

As the night had come to an end and Kim was walking her home, Chloé finally gathered all the courage to tell him but just as she opened her mouth to speak, Kim beat her to it.

"If you didn't want to go out with me, all you had to do was tell me instead of pretending to like me."

"Kim, that's—" her eyes widen at his comment. She hadn't intended to be bored of him, she only wanted things to go well.

"No save it." He turned his back to her. "I really like you, Chloé but if you can't take a few minutes to try and get to know me years before, then maybe things would be different." Chloé fell silent, not knowing what to say.

Kim turned around and faced her. "Why did you turn me down? Why did you wait until after high school to finally go on a date with me?!"

She blinked a few times, her lips parted. "I-I was afraid..."

"Afraid of what? Your reputation?" He shook his head in disbelief. "If you think being popular in high school is everything in life, you are sadly mistaken. I guess you peaked in high school, Chloé. What a shame, because I honestly thought you were a nice girl..." he closed his eyes as a sigh escaped his mouth.

Tears formed in the corners of Chloé's blue eyes. She wanted to reach out to him and tell him she had the same feelings, but since his sudden outburst, Chloé thought better of doing so.

"I'm such an idiot for thinking I ever had a chance with you... Ms. Popular, queen bee..." Kim spun around again, his head hung low. "Now I know why you always rejected me... you never had any interest in me to begin with."

Kim began to take a few steps forward, Chloé beginning to panic. She opened her mouth a few times to call out his name but all that came out was a mix of strangled breath and squeaks. Her time was running out and Chloé had no ideas left. She stayed in place as her crush made his way down the sidewalk, leaving her alone.

If anytime a bad date could get worse, this would be that time. The clouds that covered the moon began to pour cold rain onto the blonde, soaking her to the bone. The gold sequin dress she wore clung to her body as the rain continued.

Chloé stood there in the downpour, tears streaming down her cheeks taking her mascara and eye liner with it. No one would've seen her tears since she was soaked with rainwater. She wrapped her arms around herself and ran towards the hotel, ignoring the worries from the front desk clerk.

That night, Chloé's icy heart melted completely, the once nice person coming out again.

{A/N:} Does anyone else ship Chloé and Kim together??

Chapter sixteen: coming this Sunday


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