Chapter Eighteen

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{A/N:} I am so sorry for not posting this chapter yesterday. I lost track of time and once I finally realized I didn't post, it was already 2 in the morning. So without further ado, I present chapter eighteen!


Lucas stood on the sidewalk, staring at his former wife. His brief conversation with Chloé eased his raging nerves which he thought had been solved. How wrong he was. There he stood in front of the succubus herself, his heart pounding in his chest. He wasn't going to let fear take control over his life anymore. He had to step up, if not for himself then for Elliot.

Before Eileen spoke, all the anxious feeling he had seemed to melt and change into anger. Lucas was beyond upset with her, his entire relationship was being manipulated since the very first day and he was through with it.

"Why did you leave?" The question caught Eileen off guard. She wasn't expecting Lucas to be so forward but powerful emotions could take its toll on someone.

"Why did you think everything would get better if you left? We have a child together, Eileen! We're married! We're supposed to tell each other our worries and help one another during stressful times." He finished.

Eileen let out a sigh and closed her eyes. "This doesn't qualify as stressful times."

Lucas scoffed at her response. "Well if this doesn't then I guess I don't know what does." He turned his gaze away while she looked up at him.

"Lucas... I don't want to leave."

He faced her again, bewilderment clear on his face.

"Then why are you!? You say you don't want to go but if you really meant it, then you wouldn't have! Everything you're saying is contradicting itself!"

Eileen stood up and stepped closer to the man she once loved. Even though she wouldn't like to admit it since she loved another, Eileen did love Lucas at one point but with the sudden obsession of Adrien Agreste taking over, she couldn't remember when that time was.

"Please Lucas, just calm down."

"Calm down?!" He scoffed again. "You of all people shouldn't be saying that... I'm not the one who's turning away from their family, you are... I just want to know why! When Elliot is old enough and asks where his mother is, I want to be able to tell him the truth and not sugar coat it."

"Maybe I'm leaving because I don't want to be here when everyone finds out!" Her voice was raised and her hazel eyes were narrowed, causing her glasses to fall down the bridge of her nose a bit.

"Find out what?" Lucas raised a brow, curious as to what she would say next, even if he didn't want to know deep down.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked away from his harsh gaze. "That I'm in love with Adrien..."

Lucas' eyes widened. Eileen actually admitted to her feelings and it made him physically sick. He had suspected for years that she had feelings for the blonde but finally hearing it come out of her mouth made him want to wither away into nothing.

Without a single word, Lucas turned around and began to walk towards his car. He was shocked to say the least and he didn't expect his heart to break any more than it already was. Eileen blinked the tears away and followed him.

"Lucas, wait!" She grabbed onto his arm in an attempt to stop him. He shook her off and continued to leave silently. As soon as he got into his car and slammed the door shut, his peripheral vision allowed him to see Eileen standing in the middle of the road, tears falling down her cheeks.

"You caused this..." He mumbled to himself and turned the ignition. Seconds later, Lucas had pulled out of the parking spot and drove off.


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