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Snow falls gently outside the huge ornate windows, this would be one of her fondest memories. She yearns to run out in the brisk night air, embracing the cold seeping into her bones as the fresh snow falls on her face. She can taste it on her tongue, feel in tickle her nose and eyelids. The door opens and Anastasia turns to face her grandmother, a smile brightening up her childish face.

"Nana!" The dowager empress returns the smile just as brightly. Her wrinkled features never bore the wear and tear of old age, with her favourite grandchild next to her, she always felt light and full of air, invigorated with the youth of her granddaughter. She situated herself on the bed next to the child, hiding her gift under her pillow carefully, patting it to make sure it stayed put.

"Hello, my dearest Anastasia" Anastasia, the grand duchess, only 5 years old, yet she retained such grace and beauty, and fire. She wrapped her small arms around her grandmother's much larger frame, she relished in the feeling, she would miss her the most, a tear sprang to her cheek but she quickly wiped it away. She would see her again. "I'm afraid dear, that I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow" A gasp was audible from the small child as she retracted her hands and stared feebly at her elder. The Empress would never cease to be amazed by the striking blue of her granddaughter's eyes, all of her grandchildren owned the Romanov blue eyes, but Anastasia's seemed to shine the brightest, they changed constantly between a deep sapphire and a light crystal blue of the ocean she was born near.

"Why must you go, Nana?" She wanted to cry, those dazzling eyes almost tearing up, she had that effect on people, young Anastasia. She could get anything her heart desired, and she knew it.

"I'm afraid it's time to go. I've stayed too long dear" She nodded solemnly, not quite meeting her eyes. Anastasia's soft and delicate hands reached for her worn leathery hands, grasping hold of them as tightly as she could

"Take me to Paris with you" Anastasia looked smitten with the idea of adventuring off with her grandmother and abandoning her royal duties. It sounded practically Anastasia. She chuckled.

"You can come visit me with your sisters and little brother." Her eyes still remained bright with the prospect of visiting such a beautiful city and her doting grandmother. "There's a bridge there named for your Grandfather, did you know that?" Little Anastasia shook her head almost violently, her blue ribbon almost flying off her small head. She'd miss her collection of blue ribbons and bows, she hoped to always see her in the colour blue, it suited her. "The Pont Alexandre" Anastasia, understood the French word, her lessons had begun a year ago, and she studied meticulously, she loved the language. The Empress looked off wistfully, still clutching tightly to her granddaughter. "He never saw it" A smile flashed across her weather face, showing the youthful vigour she had

"I know, we'll walk on it together! And we'll go to the ballet every night!" Anastasia giggled her dazzling eyes full of longing, and beauty as she stared at her grandmother almost pleadingly

"Take me with you now" She clutched Anastasia's hands tighter, bringing them close to her chest

"I already have my darling, Anastasia. Wherever I go you'll always be with me" The child smiled up at her and she added as if an afterthought "You're my favourite" Anastasia laughed and kissed her grandmother sweetly "Strong, not afraid of anything" Anastasia beamed up at her, inching closer to her beloved grandmother before chiming in

"Like you" She grinned and hushed her favourite grandchild, pulling the secretly hidden gift out

"Our little secret" enclosed in The Empresses' worn hands was an intricate gold music box. Detailed beautifully with details of blue paint and glimmering pearls, she twisted the key, hidden discreetly at the bottom, where no one but Anastasia and her grandmother could find it, she moved her hand to pop open the lid, to reveal the inside of the lid. A delicately painted swan, it's wings spread, embracing a rich sunrise. Two figures spun around in an embrace to a familiar tone. Anastasia gasped, her crystal eyes bright with wonder

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2018 ⏰

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