»one- dead leaves

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She acted as though everything was fine

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She acted as though everything was fine. But there was an ominous feeling burning in her stomach. As though they were headed towards danger. With each Saviour encounter they made, that ominous feeling grew more suspenseful. But she kept it to herself. She wasn't even supposed to be on this mission to get Maggie to the Hilltop. She snuck in while they were fueling up the RV and successfully managed to stay hidden until they were far enough away they couldn't turn back once they noticed her. She was a swift and sneaky one. Two very great traits to have. Especially in the worlds state of chaos. Rue stared out the RV's window which, not to her surprise, had traces of walker guts on them. Probably from another run they made with this.

"Ok stop here, Abraham. We need to sort this out." The leader, Rick, instructed the red head. Abraham nodded and stopped, pulling over beside the dark forest that outlined the road. He got up and sat down beside Rue. He smiled at her reassuringly and rubbed her head. He could tell she was a bit on edge. She put her head on his shoulder. It warmed Sasha's heart seeing the two being affectionate towards each other. She even smiled at the time of stress. The little moments like that just made her frazzled brain calm for a split second.

"So, what's the play?" Abraham asked Sasha.

"She needs a doctor." Rick stepped out from the back room where the sick pregnant lady lay.

"There are two more routes north from here." Sasha told Rick.

"They're probably waiting for us, right now." Aaron commented. Silence fell over the bunch. Then Eugene spoke up.

"So, their ahead of us, probably behind us too. But their not waiting on us per se, their waiting on this rust bucket. They don't know the moment-to-moment occupancy of said rust bucket. And the sun sets soon." The group knew the risks of Eugene doing what he was hinting at. It could end in his death. It was touching to see him sacrifice himself for Maggie. Rue smiled at him. Then gave him a hug before she headed out the RV. After her came the rest of them carrying the sick lady then Carl. Her and Carl were the protection of the group since they were all trying their bests to keep Maggie up. Though she did beg to get down and walk Aaron refused to let her go.

The walk through the dark, eerie, forest was silent. Other then the sound of Rue's or Carl's blades hitting the skulls of dead ones and the crunching of dead fall leaves beneath their feet's. Silence. But not for long as Carl stroke up a conversation with his father. It was cute. its good to see a father and his son not drift apart. Especially since the worlds ended.

"I heard what you told her when we were leaving. We can do anything, 'cause we'll doing anything we need to do. We have and we will. What happened to Denise. I'm not gonna let anybody die like that again."

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